Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for June 27th to July 3rd...
27 June
Breakfast - Wantan noodle with pork wanton, a Vitagen
Lunch - Egg tart
Dinner - Lou shu fun, Konyaku jelly
28 June
Breakfast - Oats, grape, Vitagen
Lunch - 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, Japanese tofu, some rice
Dinner - Some fried rice, Oats
28 June lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, Japanese tofu, some rice
29 June
Breakfast - Pandan bread French toast
Lunch - Grapes, biscuits, yogurt, some rice, fried chicken skin
Tea - 1 slice of toasted pandan bread with choc peanut spread, 1 cup of diluted Ribena
Dinner - Rice with lotus root soup, lotus root, 1/3 hard boiled egg
30 June
Breakfast - Alphabet Pasta with cream sauce, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - some chicken rice, cream bun
Tea - 1 slice of pandan bread with choc peanut spread, yogurt
Dinner - sushi king (egg mayo, chawan mushi, wedges, fried chicken
30 June breakfast: Alphabet Pasta with cream sauce
01 - 02 July = Didn't jot down as away for family trip
03 July
Breakfast - Oat and cornflakes, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - chicken, rice, mushroom, Japanese tofu, diluted Chinese tea
Dinner - Cheese omelette, choc buns, cornflakes, a bottle of Vitagen