What comes to your mind when you think or see a lamp? For me, I think of it lighting up the darkness around us and bringing hope and sense of comfort.
We don't have any Traditional lamps (aka floor lamps) in our house as we have a very active and curious toddler around the house but I like seeing these lamps in other people houses. My brother in law has a couple of floor lamps which I think complements his house nicely and adds a nice artistic touch to the rooms. Look at the picture below, wouldn't it look great to have one in your house?
* Image taken from 1001 Floor Lamps.com
And talking about lamps, there is also the Bedside table lamp types. Again, sad to say, we don't have one in our room, not sure why. But if we are ever to get one, I think I'll go for something like the picture below. I like the aqua colored base of the table lamp and it looks artsy and unique too!
* Image of Aqua Glass Wave Table Lamp taken from 1001 Table Lamps.com
What about you? What sort of lamps do you like?

** Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and words are 100 % my own.