Ladies and gentlemen, we are cruising into the 5th month of my pregnancy now! Updates for this month since my previous status updates in pregnancy at month 4 are as follow:
#1: This baby is STILL a SPICY BABY!
Image taken from Google search
I'm still wolfing down spicy food at month number 5, so this nickname is going to stay for sometime...
#2: Maintaining increment of 1kg per month
Image taken from Google search
Latest gynae check-ups indicated I have gained an extra kg for this month, making it to 50kg now. I have always been a straight 45kg since I was 17 years old and I went back to this weight pretty fast after Ben was born probably due to me breastfeeding him.
#3: Gynae check-ups
We're continuing on our check-ups at the hospital where I gave birth to Ben 2 years ago.
Signage for NO formula, NO bottles, NO pacifier! Way to go!!
Apart from being a pro-natural birth hospital, I love this hospital because they are also PRO-breastfeeding! I snapped the picture above while waiting for the lunch time to be over and I'm very impressed with the signage - NO formula, NO bottles, NO pacifier! LOVE IT!
Anyway, back to the check up... this time, we found out it is wayyyyyy faster to have our appointments after lunch! Hubby's theory was most likely people take whole day off to go for their check-ups and they'd rather get everything done in the morning and enjoy the rest of the day, hence the wayyyyy less queue at the registration and waiting. This time, I didn't even have to queue to do my urine test and although we have to wait half an hour (lunch hour until 2pm and we arrived there at 1.30pm), I was the 1st one being called the moment the clock strikes 2pm.
And maybe because of the way lesser crowd after lunch time, our gynae really took his own sweet time to do our ultrasound scan and check every single thing and explained to us slowly and in details. (Not that he didn't do that during our last check-up but this time we don't feel we're holding the queue down or anything!)
During this round of check-up, we get to try out the 4D ultrasound machine and this is the picture taken of Spicy Baby at month 5:
The stringy stuff on the right are actually the umbilical cords...
We were kinda impressed and amazed with the 4D machine and can't contain our excitement of seeing Spicy Baby in a different light (as in clearer compared to the usual 2D scans...) The gynae said at this month, baby has yet to develop much fat so we can't see the chubby cheeks and fat much...
#4: Breastfeeding during pregnancy
I think few days ago my breastmilk production has been reduced to almost nothing. I tried squeezing them with my hands but nothing comes out but then again, I did the squeezing right after Ben nursed so I might not have anymore milk by then.
Image taken from Google search
So I'm still wondering whether my breastmilk factory is officially closed for now as Ben is still faithfully coming after my breasts to suckle before his daytime nap and sleep at night (he also nursed about once or twice during his sleep at night).
Maybe there is still milk, or maybe he's just suckling for comfort, but whatever it is, I will let him suckle as long as he wants. And I do hope that we can go for tandem nursing when the baby is born. And I'm wondering whether Ben will noticed when my colostrum starts to come back... hmmmmm....
#5: My belly itches like MAD!
Image taken from Google search
Seriously, it is VERY VERY ITCHY!!! And the more I scratch the itch, the nicer it feels, the more I wanted to scratch it, and then I looked down at my belly and saw the red scratches and sore burns... yikesssss! I think my belly is expanding to cater to the growing Spicy Baby and hence, the skin is trying to expand which causes the itchiness feeling.
So there you go, updates as at 5 months pregnancy... have a blessed week and thank you for reading!
** P.S: Btw, our gynae did mentioned the gender of the baby in this month's check-up but until I see it with my own eyes and convinced of the findings, I will not reveal the gender yet and it shall remained to be unconfirmed results as of now... heheheh...