Welcome to the Safe Cosleeping Blog Carnival!
This post was written for inclusion in the Safe Cosleeping Blog Carnival hosted by Monkey Butt Junction . Our bloggers have written on so many different aspects of cosleeping. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
When Ben was 17 months old, I wrote a post about the Beauty of Co-sleeping with him. He's 33 months old now and yeap, still co-sleeps with us. Our 3 months old baby girl is also co-sleeping with us on the same bed.
Now, I co-sleep to:
* breastfeed BOTH my children (yes, even my 33 months old boy)
* sleep better, I don't need to physically get out of the bed in order to feed my child. All I need to do is just turned sideways (Ben on my left, Alyson on my right) and nursed them back to sleep
* provide assurance and comfort to my children
* enjoy the beautiful sight of pure angelic faces sleeping next to me!
Of course, if you googled around, there are many more benefits (and risks) of co-sleeping. What works for us, may not necessarily works for others. All I'm saying is co-sleeping works for us.
I myself co-sleep with my parents until I turned 7 years old. I remember the comfort of being right next to my parents, waking up from a nightmare and realising I'm protected by my parents who are just right next to me and feeling everything is going to be fine.
How long is this going to last? As long as we want to be next to them I guess...