Teaching & Learning Moment - Counting

~ Posted on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 6:20 AM ~

I like to bring our kiddos to the playground whenever situations and weather permits. As usual, one morning after dropping off our oldest kiddo at kindy, I brought our girls to the playground and it rained earlier in the morning so the place was still a bit wet and the playground equipments are still wet so we ended up just walking around the playground while I tried looking for things to show our girls to keep them interested.

Then I saw this peculiar flower / leave looking things on the ground and I realised there are quite a number of them. Probably flowers falling off from one of the trees at the playground. So I called our girls over, told them to pick up some of them and I sort them out on the ground. Then I started counting and arranging them in a straight line and then into pairs and even purposely mess up the arrangement and let our girls sort it back themselves hehehehe... Both girls happily counted and arranged it back and it was fun while it lasted.

Teaching & Learning Moment

Now why this falls into the 'Teaching & Learning Moments!'?

* I get to teach our girls and reinforce their basic counting (until 10 for both girls now).

* I get to teach our girls to arrange objects in order/sequence and grouping.

* I get to let our girls practise their motor skills and finger grasping skills when they picked up the flowers and carefully arranged them on the ground.


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