Conversations with my son...

~ Posted on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 9:03 AM ~

Okay, maybe Ben is not able to talk much yet (he's 19 months but quite a quiet and reserved person like his mummy) but he does understand what we all said and told him to do. So anyway, the following conversations took place few days back...

Conversation # 1:
Me  : Ben, you want to eat banana or not?
Ben : (Shakes his head)
Me  : Ben, you want to eat oats or not?
Ben :
(Shakes his head)
Me  : Ben, you want to eat ice cream or not?
Ben : (Paused... nod head frantically)
Me  : -_-

Conversation # 2:
Me  : Ben, you want to eat banana or not?
Ben :
(Shakes his head)
Me  : Ben, you want to eat oats or not?
Ben :
(Shakes his head)
Me  : Ben, you want to eat mummy or not?
Ben : (Paused... look up at me with the cheekiest grin)
Me  : -_-

Conversation # 3:
Me  : Ben, you want to eat banana or not?
Ben :
(Shakes his head)
Me  : Ben, you want to eat oats or not?
Ben :
(Shakes his head)
Me  : Ben, you want mummy to eat you or not?
Ben : (Paused... ) NO, NO.
Me  : ;)

A recent photo of my cheeky 19 months old boy...

Comments (10) -

Catheryn  @ Pink Bibs


This is a cute conversation! I like the "BEN, YOU WANT MUMMY EAT YOU OR NOT" best!

Thank God It Is Thursday already! Yippee!


Aw, these are such cute conversations!  Brought a smile to my face Smile

I'm a full-time mummy

Thanks Catheryn & Jinnia for your compliments, glad you guys enjoyed this post! Weekend is coming soon! Yeayyy! Laughing

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet

LOL! my daughter is 19 months too, and doesn't say much either. She does say nyah a lot (I think that's her version of "no"). So we would probably have those same conversations, insert "nyah". LOL. Stopping by from SITS to show you some love!!

I'm a full-time mummy

Hello Sarah!
Thanks for hopping over from SITS and leaving your sweet comment! Have a wonderful day ahead! Smile


That's right, Ben. You'd better be on your best behavior or you know what will happen ;)

acting balanced

How cute!  Thanks for stopping by and leaving this on the Thirsty for Comments meme Smile


What a pip!  This sounds just like the "conversations" that I have with my (17month old) daughter!
<a href="">Dinner With Kir</a>


Hello Lamb & Kirsten!
Thank you for dropping by and following my blog! Smile

Hi Heather @acting balanced!
You have a great meme going on, it's a neat idea and glad to be a part of it! Smile


Hi, I just saw this link over at Acting Balanced with the Thirsty for Comments Thursday linky.  I just loved this conversation.  I loved each part, but the No No from him was precious.  I love "eating" my girls up.  Did you know babies have chicken wing arms and they are very tasty?  lol.
I love your quote at the top of the page.

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