Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for July 18th to 24th...
18 July
Breakfast - Noodle with some lotus, 4 pieces of chocolate biscuits, a bottle of grape Vitagen
Tea - Mango pudding, a slice of Cheddar cheese
Dinner - Japanese tofu, rice, mushroom, pork

Left: Breakfast for 18 JulyAbove: Dinner for 18 July
19 July
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, UHT choc milk
Lunch - cheese & omelette, a bottle of Vitagen
Dinner - Sushi rice, egg mayo, salmon skin, chawan mushi, miso soup
20 July
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, UHT choc milk, some blueberry cheese tart
Lunch - Yogurt, a slice of Cheddar cheese
Tea - some chicken rice, mango juice, kaya bun
Dinner - rice, egg custard, chicken, passionfruit jelly
Dinner for July 20...
21 July
Breakfast - UHT choc milk, alphabet pasta with cheese
Lunch - Oats, cornflakes, strawberry pudding
Tea (6pm) - Plain wheat crackers
Dinner - Salmon skin, chawan mushi, miso soup, udon, green tea ice cream
Above: Breakfast for 21 JulyRight: Lunch for 21 July

22 July
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Chicken rice, egg tart,
Tea - Blueberry cheese tart
Dinner - Rice, chicken, potato, egg, tofu
Supper - cornflakes

Left: Tea for 22 JulyAbove: Dinner for 22 July
23 July
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes
Lunch - Forgot :P
Dinner - Egg, rice vermicelli, fish
Dinner for 23 July
24 July
Breakfast - Pancakes, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Rice, mushroom
Dinner - Papaya, oats with cornflakes, half cream cheese bun