Wordless Wednesday (Ben Strikes a Pose)

~ Posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 10:52 AM ~

While weighing himself... What a vainpot! Kiss

Ben posing while weighing himself

Newspaper is Yummy!

~ Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 12:33 AM ~

Yes you read that right! Read on to find out why I said newspaper is yummy!

Earlier today, I was on my usual round of blog hopping - checking out the blogs that I followed and posting my comments and then I came across this post from one of my favorite bloggy friend (Mama's Little Chick) and the picture of her cute daughter with a newspaper hat suddenly reminded me of something silly I did back when I was really young... about 4 years old or so... surprising I could remember this childhood memory of mine hahaha...

For those of you who followed my blog, please don't start thinking that I am really naughty and mischievious (wait a minute... I'm having this Déjà vu moment... Yikes!! That is usually what I said about Benjamin! Hah!) Yes, I know I blogged previously about my horrible childhood where I actually stuffed some red saga seeds into my nostril and got it stuck...

So anyway, when I was around 4 years old, we lived in this 2 storey terrace house and although there are 2 bedrooms and a living room on the 2nd floor, I remembered every night our whole family will bunked in and sleep on the ground floor's living room (there are only 4 of us in the family: dad, mum, my elder brother and myself) I'm not sure why we don't sleep upstair (I think there are some eerie occurrences or something during night time) but I remembered mum used to do a lot of sewing last time (during day time of course).

Her sewing machine is located on the 2nd floor and she always piles up a stack of newspaper on the foot rest when she's not using the sewing machine. So being young and curious, I'd be wandering and toddling around on the 2nd floor accompanying my mum while she did her sewing.

(*Image taken from Google image search)

Again, I am not sure how it started but I remembered squatting down near her sewing machine one time and checking out the yellowing newspaper... and then I started tearing off a very small piece of the yellowing newspaper.

And I shoved it into my mouth.

And I started chewing it.

And I swallowed the newspaper bits.

And I repeated the act over and over again - everytime mum did her sewing.

I don't know how long this goes on or how often I eat those newspapers... I do remember by the time we shifted out of the house to a government flat nearby, I was going to be 7 years old. Am not sure whether those newspaper I ate are harmful but yeah... at that age, it is kinda yummy... probably because it is yellowing and OK, OK, it's gross... I don't think I should continue on further... hahahaha...

So, that's it... another one of my memorable childhood experiences...

Next time you see a newspaper, think about a little girl who ate it for ermm... 3 years??

(*Picture of Ben above rubbing his tummy... contented? ;P)


YUMMY!!  Hehehehe...

A Temporary Fix on My Comment Issues...

~ Posted on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 10:38 AM ~

Good day people!

I've just added in a gadget which allows my readers (specifically those with Google Friend Connect ID) to leave me a comment on my blog. Below is the screenshot of the comment gadget:

FYI, I'm doing this because I have yet to be able to find the solutions on why a small number of you unfortunate folks are not able to submit any comment in my blog posts. I'm terribly sorry for that to be happening to you and please believe me when I said that I have tried real hard, surfing the Net for more info and reported cases like this but nope... nothing. The most help I get is some nice web programmer asking me what web browsers are you guys using (might help drill down the issue)

Oh anyway, I've installed this Comment widget and you can find it at the right sidebar just below the Google Friend Connect box.

I hope this will help for now...

Thank you all again for your trouble in personally contacting me via Twitter, emails and commenting on my old blog just to keep me posted on the issues. God bless you all and have a blessed week ahead!