Dinner - Before & After

~ Posted on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 12:40 PM ~

Last year, I wrote about a look back into my home-cooked journey so far. Then shortly before the end of 2014, I wrote a post on my preparation when cooking. Then I thought, "Why not snap a picture of before start cooking and the final results after cooking?"

So, here you go..

Top part of the picture is the ingredients all ready to be cooked on 6th February 2015. From top left (clockwise): Slices of pork marinated with sugar, sweet soy sauce, Worchestershire sauce, salt and pepper, Asian sea bass (siakap), a cup of chopped scallions, a cup of corn kernels, 2 eggs beaten, a cup of chopped onions, a cup of sweet sauce mixed with water, sugar, salt.

Dinner - Before & After

My dinner dishes for that day? Click on the dish name to check out my recipe.

In case you are interested to view my other recipes, feel free to hop over to my Recipe Library page for more info!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

What Colors Are This Dress?

~ Posted on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 4:58 PM ~

I saw a friend of mine posted this asking what color is this dress. In my mind, I said 'DUH.. WHITE AND GOLD of course!' and went on my day. Cleared stuff in storerooms, made lunch, pack stuff to be donated again to charity, and while resting, surfed some news to read and share in my page and I saw a lot of articles on this dress. Apparently there are people who see this dress as different color.

I still think it as a joke and was about to shrug it away when our almost 6 years old boy came over asking whether he could have some snacks for tea break. I asked him what color is the dress.

He said 'Blue and black'. I froze.

I asked him to repeat again what color is the dress and this time he said it in Bahasa (Malaysia's national language): HITAM DAN BIRU.

Oh crapppp... this is no joke. And so I am sharing this picture and see what you think of the dress. What colors are this dress?

Updates 1:

I have personally witnessed both white/gold and black/blue combo on this dress. At different hours of the day, I just looked back at the picture, and it changed colors. Okay, more like the colors are not the same as what I saw earlier.

Updates 2:

The dress is confirmed originally BLUE AND BLACK. If you still can't wrap your mind with that, try looking at this cartoon. Also, you might want to read about the "18 Relationships Destroyed By The Dress That Broke The Internet" for some laughs!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.

Which Disney Mom Are You Most Like?

~ Posted on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 6:45 AM ~

One of my blog fans shared this website with me and I tried out the quiz, pretty accurate for me hahaha... Just click on the image below to access the webpage that features the quiz.

Just in case you are wondering what kind of Disney mum I am, here you go... I think it is pretty accurate for my case!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.