On-Site Learning

~ Posted on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 7:20 AM ~

We had our brunch on Saturday 4th May 2013 and we thought, oh well, let's just go to Bird Park again since there's nothing to do at home. So we headed there. And I tried snapping as much pictures as I possibly can...

My 4 years old boy was particularly mesmerised with the peacocks this round. Previously? Not much interest. This time, one of the peacocks opened up its tails and showed everyone nearby its feathers (not much left actually) and my boy stood and watched with much interest.

I also took the chance to explain to him that male animals are particularly more colorful than the female ones because they need to attract the female's attention. And this time, we also get to see a peahen and its baby! Cute! I also explained to my boy why the pea chick keeps tagging along to its mummy (for protection and food)

I thought things will get back to normal once we went back home. That's when I realised my boy's memory is still fresh and strong. Because I started seeing things like this from my 4 years old boy...

** Disclaimer: FYI, I have not even started teaching my boy how to draw because uhmmm... I am not a good artist at all, in fact I shudder everytime we have Arts class during school days especially when it comes to drawing activities... crafts no problem... but drawing... I am very weak in this... so anyway, the drawings by my boy is solely his own creation and imagination...

Amazing right?!

That's all the updates I can share for now, feel free to ask and share if you have feedback!

I'm a full-time mummy

Life Goes On!

~ Posted on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 7:29 AM ~

Life goes on dear Malaysians...

Sure, I woke up at 1am+ on 6th May 2013, and upon reading the barrage of comments and posts on Facebook about how the opposition parties lost in the 13th General Election of Malaysia, I felt like a big chunk of my heart has just been ripped out.

I can almost equate the emptiness and hollow feeling of my heart to the time when I realised back in early 2007, for the first time as I stood alone in my government flat I called house for 2 decades of my life, I have no more father and mother. I am like an orphan.

And I'm feeling almost the same as I read through how ballot boxes magically appeared after an eletricity blackout at some ballot counting centers, how vehicles bearing ballot boxes can still drive in and said they lost their way and are delivering the remaining ballot boxes to be counted (when the results has been counted for and unofficially announced) and more.

I felt like my beloved country has just died.

I'm sad throughout the whole half day of 6th May 2013. Sad not because democracy in Malaysia is dead. I'm not sad because the opposition parties have lost.

I'm just sad at the way we lost.

And sad how the racism card is still being used to stir up Malaysians.

Anyway, life really does go on.

Whether we like it or not, the results have been announced.

I just want to say we as citizens of Malaysia should be proud of what we did.

Even a miniscule of contribution in each and every one of us really did make a difference.

I'm actually happy to know some of my Muslim friends are sharing the same sentiments like myself.

I'm happy to know they too don't agree that religion is used to scare other races.

I'm happy to know many of the people in my Facebook network are frustrated and desire for change in the country.

Don't ever doubt that and don't ever lose hope.

Stop getting angry and move on with your life. Really... When you are calm and at peace, you are able to think more logically.

Of course, change does not come so fast.

Trust in God's timing.

And His will for our beloved country to be done according to His time and His ways.

Stay strong and stay united.

Push on dear Malaysians...

Praying for a Fair and Just Election!

~ Posted on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 2:15 PM ~

On this coming 5th of May, all Malaysians who have registered as voters will fulfill their responsibilities in the 13th General Election of Malaysia. I have personally voted once many many years ago and to be honest, being in my early 20s then, I do not care much of the impact of my vote then and simply just crossed out the political party that was serving my area that time.

But this round, every single vote count. I am definitely in no position to say out or even influence anybody which political party to vote for and what is right and wrong with so and so political parties in Malaysia.

All I know as a stay-at-home mum now is, I'm voting for the future of my children.

I want them to have a fair chance to further their studies in the land where they were born.

I want them to have a fair chance to apply for scholarships, universities, jobs and so on.

I don't want to raise my children here only to have them being forced to look for greener pastures in other countries which provides equal opportunities to everyone.

I love Malaysia and I would love to see this country flourish.

I would love to see everyone work hand in hand to make this country better.

Just fairness in all matters if possible.

Well, that's one mighty big wish you might say.

So again I repeat, I am definitely in no position to say out or even influence anybody which political party to vote for and what is right and wrong with so and so political parties in Malaysia.

I am just praying for a fair and just election this time.

I am praying for God's hands to be upon every step of the election process!

* Proverbs 20:10 (NIV) ~ Differing weights and differing measures — the Lord detests them both.

* Proverbs 22:22-23 (NIV) ~ Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will exact life for life.

* Deuteronomy 16:20 (NIV) ~ Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.