Are we expecting too much from our children?
This question lingered on my mind for the past week. It all happened when our 4 years old boy started refusing to attend his Sunday school classes and insisted to stay on with grandma (she's always the one remaining in the main service as either hubby and I will be taking our kiddos and accompanying them in their classes).
Benjamin is in the 3-4 years old age group and hence do not require parent to be around. As for Alyson, she's in the 1.5 to 3 years old age group and required 1 parent to be around during her classes. So lately it has been hubby who does the shift as I get tired pretty easily and can't cope with a hyper active ninja in the class already.
Anyway, back to my question for today...
Are we expecting too much from our children?
Why am I asking this question? You see, 2 Sundays back, just to get Ben to attend his class, I told hubby I will go along in his class and stay at the back. That way, I'm still around and he does not have any excuse of not wanting to attend his class. The class goes on its usual routine, singing and dancing followed by story telling and then craftworks and snacks at the end.
During storytelling time, the teacher was explaining to the children in the class about the 10 commandments. And as the teacher stuck each commandment printout (in easy to understand children language) onto the whiteboard, the children listened attentively and repeated what the teacher said.
And after a while, the teacher asked them to repeat the commandments on the whiteboard. None responded. The teacher looked frustrated and annoyed at the silence from the class.
Even I panicked for a moment there, wondering, 'These are just 3-4 years old children...I'm not sure about the rest but my boy sure can't read yet.' And I know majority of the children in the class that day attended preschool and kindy, unlike our boy.
But 3 to 4 years old kiddos... being asked to read! I think I only learned ABCs when I went kindy at 6 years old!
Are we expecting too much from our children?
It does not help when I have also been reading postings from mummies in my FB group about their plans to send their 3, 4, even 5 years old children to preschool and asking for recommendations on what to look out for, where to go to, etc etc. And then some mummies responded with the syllabus taught in their children's kindy/preschool etc and even having homeworks, exams and essays to learn in preparation to being enrolled to primary 1 at 6/7 years old.
Exams and essays before 5 years old! In preparation for primary 1 schools?!
I don't know... I clammed up when I hear the word 'SCHOOL'. I just can't take it now. I can't imagine sending off my children at this young tender age, burdened with homeworks, exams and essays...
Why the rush? What's the hurry?
Some mums said they were told by the kindy/preschool staff that the homeworks, exams and essays are a must so that their children are well-prepared when they go to primary 1 and not slagging behind their schoolmates.
Because of pressure from these, our children are being made the victims... at such young tender age when they should be playing and enjoying their childhood.
Sure, some parents will say going to daycare/kindy/preschools at young age helped their child to build up their social skills and learned to discipline well. I agree to some extent, in terms of socializing, compared to my kiddos being couped up at home all day with me and not getting to mix with kids around their age, maybe it is a good idea for them to be in a different environment to build up their social skills.
But some mums also reported that their children also picked up bad habits from their classmates. Rebellions, disrespect (talk back to their parents), bad manners etc. This is where I find a wee bit comfort that at least I can have some form of control still with my kiddos still at home with me. I'm responsible for their manners and discipline, not outside influences.
I have yet to slowly digest this and think through what our plans is with our kiddos. He is going to be 5 years old next year, the age required to register for primary 1 later. Am I ready to let him go? Is he ready to learn and be exposed to heavy homeworks, exams and essays at this young age? I really don't know...

Are we expecting too much from our children?