This post is to journal down the 6th month+ of my third pregnancy now! I realised I did not blogged much about this pregnancy, compared to my previous one which I blogged religiously every month. But that is because with this pregnancy, I didn't see our gynae every month for check up. Anyway here goes the update:
Sweet sugary stuff rages on this month.. so much that I practically guzzled soft drinks or packet drinks every day and treat myself to a slice of cake or sweet buns or ice cream every other day....
Image taken from Google search
Last month, I reported that I have not been gaining weight at all! I remembered experiencing the same thing with my 1st pregnancy until my gynae had to force me to drink UHT full cream milk EVERYDAY. I am doing that since 20th May and I'm now at 50kg. So that makes weight gain of 5kg in 6 months+ time...
My second check-up with gynae was on 6th June 2013 but I was attended by another specialist instead of my chosen gynae (who was caught up with appointments elsewhere). According to the replacement gynae, baby is growing well, estimated weight is 500g for 24 weeks pregnancy and we were not able to see the baby's gender due to the legs covering up the genital area hahaha... but according to the gynae, he is not able to detect any ping-pong balls yet... so we'll see...
Yes, like what I did with Benjamin when I was pregnant with Alyson, I nursed him throughout the pregnancy. This round? Same. I think my milk has dried up few weeks back but like her brother, Alyson does not seem to be bothered and continued to comfort dry suckling from me whenever she wants and before her sleeptime. Though I do noticed tiny dots of dried up milk on my nipples lately, signs of colostrum returning? :)
Yes, I started feeling the tiny flutters in my tummy at month 4 actually and have been using Babyplus gadget 2 weeks ago twice a day (9am and 9pm) and the kicks are getting stronger everyday.
New thing to report this month! The replacement gynae told us that I can do the GTT test before my next check-up at 28 weeks pregnancy, so I immediately contacted our family GP so that I can do the GTT test at his clinic instead of having to go to the hospital to do it (very troublesome!)
This test is to be taken at 7th month pregnancy, especially if you have family history of having diabetes. Both my parents had them and my mum passed away due to total kidney failure caused by diabetes. My results was normal when I was pregnant with my 2nd child.
So, the night before the test, I started fasting from 10pm, taking only plain water and nothing else, and waited till the next morning 10am to have my blood test (just a little prick on my finger) and was given this 300ml glucose solution to drink.

Result: My blood sugar level before the taking the drink is 4.1 (anything below 6 is normal) and after 2 hrs (only take plain water) is 8.5 (normal reading is between 6.1 to 7). OH NO!!!!! I immediately SMS-ed my gynae asking for his advice on what to do and was given the following instructions:
1. Buy a glucometer from local pharmacy. I'll need to do a self-blood sugar test where I use this device to prick my fingers, get a small dot of blood and smeared it on the test strip on the glucometer and wait for the results in 5 seconds.
2. Do self blood sugar test by following these timing:
- 8am after fasting
- half hour before breakfast and 2 hours after breakfast
- half hour before lunch and 2 hours after lunch
- half hour before dinner and 2 hours after dinner
- right before bedtime 10pm
3. Report the results to gynae and he'll decide the next steps (which will be diet change if results still bad)
So there you go, updates as at 6 months+ pregnancy... have a blessed week and thank you for reading!