Mother's Day has just passed not too long ago... It has now been 6 years since my mum passed away but not a single day goes by without me reminiscing of the good ol' days when she was still alive and I'm still her little girl.
Now that I am a mother and have my own children, I truly understand how deep and far a mother's love can go. Every single act and decision we made has definitely gone through considerations of the impacts to our children and family. From the moment our baby is formed in our body, throughout the pregnancy months, birth and thereon, a mother's love and sacrifices never ends.

Just the other day I was peeling mangoes for my kiddos' snacks at night. Just a little act of peeling mangoes and I was brought back to my childhood time... I remembered how my mum used to save the fleshy part of the mangoes for my brother and I to eat while she just eats the leftover fleshy part on the core seed.
And that's what I'm doing NOW for my family and kiddos! You have no idea how many times I was so tempted to eat the fleshy parts of the mangoes! I remembered when I was young, so many times I asked my mum to let me have the seed part as I find it nice to chew and gobble on the seed part and she happily gave them to me! Now I realised that, if my own children do the same to me, I would willingly gave them too, just like what my mum did!
Anyway, although I'm sad I can no longer see my mum, at least I treasured and cherished the wonderful memories I had with her. Of course I always wish my parents could still be around today, to see me get married and settled down and having my own children...
That got me to thinking how about the poor children who never get to see their mothers and fathers or those who have to be separated from their parents? Those children abandoned or orphaned... sigh...
Which brings us to this post today... Now, I came across this wonderful contest called 'Comfort Ultra Pure – Mother’s Pure Love'.

In this contest, all you need to do is create beautiful Facebook cover pictures for FREE to display moments of pure love with your precious baby and to celebrate the love of motherhood.
Now before you start panicking how the heck are you going to be creating a Facebook cover if you are not a fancy-smancy techno-mechno person (sorry for the made-up words!), fret not! Just follow these few easy steps:
1. Select your preferred template and upload 3 photos of mother and your child.
2. Customize the image and leave a caption. You can then share the Facebook cover image that you have just created with your friends!
3. Now here's the charity part which you can definitely help out with: Just invite your friends to use the Facebook app! For every 10 invited friends who use the 'Mum's Pure Love' Facebook app, Comfort will donate RM5 to Rumah Kanak-kanak Ini Di Sayangi (K.I.D.S.) In case you don't know, Rumah K.I.D.S. provides a home, love and care to orphans and children who are abandoned, abused and neglected.
4. Do note that participants who are mums with children younger than 5 years old and had the most invited friends using the app will also stand to become the charity champion and receive attractive rewards!
What a nice way to join a contest and still contribute something right? Do go to Comfort's Facebook app to find out more info NOW!
** Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and words are 100 % my own.