Years ago, I used to think that life is not fair and wondered why other people get to have this and that... Until one day I realized, oh well, sometimes you've gotta look at the other person's perspective and you've gotta also look at the bigger picture. For example:
* It's not fair that I don't get to continue my studies, I mean I only had 1 year Diploma in IT... but before I quit my IT job in June 2009, I know I earned more than my friends who went overseas, got degree, got Masters, etc etc...
* It's not fair that I have to work my way up with just 1 year Diploma in IT, but I realized now I get higher pay because I started working at a young age. Those years and years of experience is way much more valuable than a degree...
* It's not fair that my parents passed away (dad in April 2006, mum in Jan 2007) but I realized, God works in a mysterious way... I am comforted in knowing my parents accepted Jesus before they passed on.
The grass always look greener on the other side. How am I to know that maybe the other person is also envious and saying that it's not fair I get this and that? Right?
And, think about it... God gave us another day to live on this planet, no pain, no sickness, with loved ones around, what more could we ask for?
What more do you want?
Why must we be so greedy and keep wanting more?
Why can't we make do and be happy with what we are blessed with and stop saying it's not fair?
Look at the bigger picture and be contented and give thanks to what we are blessed with! I'm thankful for my health, my hubby's health, my family's health, and oh yes, thankful I have a family of my own!

What are you thankful for today?

** Pst: Btw, that's the Nissan LEAF car we were posing next to. I am also thankful we get to test drive the car for 7 weeks!