Just the other day, I was rushing some invoicing work for my hubby and let my 3.5 years old boy played with his Lego blocks by himself. My 13 months old girl was napping at that time. Then my boy called me to check out his star Lego. I walked over and stood and can't see it. Had to stand for a while until I saw it.

Yup... that's a star alright!

Amazing right what our child can see in their own eyes and understanding? And few days later, he was playing with the bead shapes/blocks and told me he made a turtle. To be honest, it took me a few minutes before I am able to see it!

Awesome or what?! I am just so freaking proud with what my boy did! So so so amazing!

So, yeah, what I'm trying to say in this post is,
Learn to see through your child's eyes!
Do not underestimate their imagination and creativity.
Never look down or brush away their discoveries!
Just my 2 cents... That's all the updates I can share for now, feel free to ask and share if you have feedback!