Almost Time For Solids...

~ Posted on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 8:51 AM ~

My girl is 5 months old last Thursday! Time flies so fast! During these 5 memorable months, I have been asked the following questions:

* "How many ounces of formula is she taking?" (My Answer: I don't know, she's still drinking my breastmilk!)

* continuing from above question with frustrated look... "Can't you see how many ounces when you pump out your breastmilk?!" (My Answer: I can't see it cos' I'm breastfeeding her directly!)

* "Oh... so she's solely on your breastmilk huh? (with puzzled unbelieved looks)" (My Answer: Yeah, and not even a single drop of water yet!)

* "You have enough milk for her? Look at you! So thin!" (My Answer: I guess it's enough since her brother is also still taking my breastmilk once a day)

* "Why don't you put on mittens for her?" (My Answer: Why do I need to? Her brother doesn't wear any as well...)

* "Look at her! She's busy chomping on her fingers! You should give her a pacifier!" (My Answer: Err, no thank you. Her brother does not need any pacifier and so does she!)

 Soon it'll be time for her to start solids... I'm starting to feel the same thing I felt when Ben started his solids. Worrying that she will be less interested in my breastmilk when she's on solids etc etc.

I comfort myself by reminding myself that she's growing up and needs more variety in her feeding. And look at Ben,  at 35 months old, he is still on my breastmilk, even though he's down to one feeding a day.

So yes, I am going to look forward to this milestone of hers when the time comes...