Have You Ever Snapped At Other Kids?

~ Posted on Monday, January 30, 2012 at 8:25 AM ~

We were out grocery shopping on weekend and as usual, I'll be pushing Alyson in her stroller (ready to nurse her anytime, anywhere) and my hubby will be pushing Ben in the shopping cart.

This time round, we brought MIL along with us and she tagged along with hubby and Ben while I shopped for other stuff (like diapers, raisins for Ben etc) with Alyson. At one point when Alyson needed her feed, I told hubby I'm going out to nurse Alyson and told him to watch after Ben. And then we realised Ben was with MIL who was somewhere else...

I had to frantically looked for MIL (worried she'll get lost with Ben) while hubby looked at another place. As I was turning into an aisle, I saw a kid (about 10-11 years old) running around and almost knocked into Alyson's stroller.

And that's when I snapped...

In public...

I have not done so - ever...

I just yelled at the kid saying 'DON'T RUN!!!' as he braked and stopped just about 2-3 inches away from touching Alyson's stroller.

And yet, no sorry, nothing. He slowly backed off and walked towards his mother (few feet away) who I overheard telling him in Mandarin not to run.

I was so angry at the kid and his mother. I mean, supermarket area is NOT a place to run around.

Have you ever snapped at other children in public? If yes, what for?