Product Review - Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow

~ Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 11:32 AM ~

I came across this pregnancy pillow while I was browsing through the Internet as usual and am so very happy that Alison, the owner of Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow generously agreed to send me one of her pillows to try out!

Prior to this, I have been using two of Ben's pillows (oh he has tons of it as my MIL made quite a number of small pillows and bolsters for him) to support my belly and back. And to tell you the truth, I was getting more and more annoyed with the make-shift pillows as being a pregnant woman, I tend to pee quite often especially at night and every time I got out of bed and went back, I need to readjust the pillows all over again which is quite tiring and cumbersome. Oh what would I do without this pillow! So getting to review this pillow was such a blessing and life saver!

Description from the product page:

"The Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow has two pillows. This provides better sleep as it:
* does not need to be repositioned when rolling over
* allows two sleeping positions on each side - one leaning slightly forward and the other leaning slightly back

The Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow has a flat middle section which you lie on.
* This provides better sleep as the pillow: does not move out of position
* cannot fall off the bed

The small size of the pillows:
* allows space in the bed for a partner
* makes the pillow portable

An adjustable middle section provides:
* a perfect fit
* comfort throughout the entire pregnancy

More info can be found on the FAQ page at:"

Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Front view of the pillow. Love the color!
Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Back view-Strings allow adjustments to the pillow's width

After adjusting the pillow's width to my likings, I proceeded to further checked out the details of the pillow...

Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
The pillow's label sewn in the middle flap ...
Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Ben cheekily used it as his pillow...

REVIEW #1: First day itself!

Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Pillow comfortably supports my tummy & back!
Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Pillow also doubles up as Ben's bolster!

I love that the pillow remains at the same spot and I don't have to readjust it's position when I got back to bed again!

More close up pictures:

Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow

I love that the pillow also comfortably supports my belly and back. The cushions are just nice, not too thick or thin.

REVIEW #2: Few days later...

Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Tummy getting bigger and pillow is still doing its job to support it! :)

REVIEW #3: Machine wash...

I have to admit at this review phase, it was quite torturing as I had to make do without the pillow for at least 2 days to test it's usability and comfortability after machine wash. It dries very fast but in our home, we usually accumulate our laundry and wash in batches, so I had to be very patient while waiting for it to be washed and dry. To wash the pillow, I just need to untie the straps at the back to separate out the pillows into 2 and throw in together with my other laundry hehehe...

Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
Drying up the pillow...
Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
After dry - same fluffiness! :)
Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow
After dry - shape remains same :)

Needless to say, the pillow went back to do its job the moment it's dry.

What I would recommend as an alternative to the pillow is to have snap buttons as well. This is because on the first day of trial, Ben actually unties the knots at the back of the pillow and I had to re-tie and readjust it again but after that (and of course, telling my toddler not to do that anymore!) the string does its job by holding the pillows together. But the thought of having snap buttons on the pillow crossed my mind on the first day but then of course with snap button system, the width adjustments would not be so flexible compared to the string tie which you can pull the pillows closer by 5cm or 2cm or even ½ a centimetre if you wish too.

Other than that, there's nothing to complain about on this pillow! Love the design and practically of it and the fact that it remains the same after machine wash - the same fluffiness and it did not go out of shape or anything. LOVE IT!!!

You can purchase the Ready2Roll Pregnancy Body Pillow from

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a free product by the sponsor in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.

Toddler Meals (June 06 - 12)

~ Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 8:48 AM ~

Continuing on with Ben's meals for June 06th to 12th...

6th June 2011 - Breakfast: Organic Oats
(10 tsp) each spoon topped with cereals,
1 bottle of Vitagen

Toddler Meals
6th June 2011 - Lunch: 1 slice Cheddar cheese, Mango
slices, A bowl of egg mayo
(mashed corns, carrots, peas)
Toddler Meals
6th June 2011 - Dinner: Spaghetti bolognaise
(few bites only), then he whacked my burger bread :(
(picture inset)
Toddler Meals
7th June 2011 - Breakfast: Organic Oats (10 tsp),
grapes, 1 bottle of Vitagen
Toddler Meals
7th June 2011 -  Lunch:
Egg mayo,
Corns, peas & carrots, 1 fried fish fillet
Toddler Meals
7th June 2011 -  Dinner: Cheese Omelette
with Cauliflower and cooked fish (minced)
Toddler Meals
 8th June 2011 - Breakfast: Fried noodle,
1 stalk of asparagus, a glass of diluted Ribena
Toddler Meals
** Ben ate only few bites of the fried noodle,
decided to make backup breakfast

8th June 2011 - Breakfast - backup:
Organic Oats (10 tsp) with 1 banana
Toddler Meals
8th June 2011 - Lunch: 1 apple cut into bite size,
Egg mayo (Ben didn't eat), 1 bottle of Vitagen,
1 pack of veggie crackers
Toddler Meals

** No picture: 8th June 2011 - Dinner: ABC soup drenched on Rice (about 5tsp), few bites of fried chicken, 1 tube of Japanese tofu.

9th June 2011 - Breakfast: A cup of soya,1 vege fish fillet (cut up),
1 slice of bread
(toasted & cut into 4), 1 cheese omelette
Toddler Meals
9th June 2011 - Lunch: Fruit Salads
(consists of grapes, 1 banana, 1 apple)
Toddler Meals
9th June 2011 - Dinner: Forgot to take pic
5 oz of sliced carrots (from ABC soup),
1 tube of Japanese tofu again, 1 oz of potato
10th June 2011 - Breakfast: Ben woke at 8am,
hubby made cheese omelette while I slept on...
Toddler Meals
10th June 2011 - Lunch: Grape Yogurt,
Tons of grapes, peeled & deseeded.
Toddler Meals
10th June 2011 - Tea Time: Ben actually whacked 1 and a half
of this char siew pork buns!
Toddler Meals
10th June 2011 - Dinner: A cup of diluted Ribena, half tube of Japanese tofu,
1 pc of chicken, 5 tsp of rice,
half slice peanut butter choc bread
Toddler Meals
11th June 2011 - Breakfast: Pancakes!
Toddler Meals
11th June 2011 - Lunch: 1 char siew pork buns
Toddler Meals
11th June 2011 - Dinner: 1 boiled egg, chicken & potato,
rice, a cup of diluted Ribena
Toddler Meals

** No picture: 12th June 2011 -Ben had some Cornflakes cereal for breakfast (after rejecting BOTH my pancake & organic oats backup meal), then had some of my chocolate cake for his lunch. For dinner, he had 1 char siew pork bun with some lotus soup (and some lotus slices) and 1/3 slice of cold cuts (ham)

Btw, just wanted to add a note that I'm having some commenting issues in my blog, if you're using Internet Explorer you might not be able to leave any comment in my posts. We've been trying to debug it and have yet to figure out the cause. Mozilla and Chrome users are not affected so far. Sorry for the inconveniences!

I'm a full-time mummy