Lessons From My Child...

~ Posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 2:05 PM ~

Welcome to the January Carnival of Natural Parenting: Learning from children

This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared the many lessons their children have taught them. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.

As a full-time mummy of a going to be 2 years old in less than 2 months time toddler, I realised that throughout the years of my parenthood journey, I've learned a couple of lessons from my very own child. Yes, from my dear cheeky going to be 2 years old toddling toddler.


Ben at 22 months old...

OK, enough of Ben's cheekiness for now... Ladies and gentlemen, buckle your seatbelt and follow me through this journey of what I've learned from Benjamin...

#1 : Getting him out (of me) is way easier than raising him up

Although I do get some glory for giving birth to Ben naturally in 4.5 hours time (from 1cm-10cm), I would have to repeat that childbirth is wayyyyyyyyyy easier than taking care and raising your child after you bring him/her into this world.

No matter how painful it might seem at the point of contractions (actually I didn't even realise I started mine until we were at the hospital getting ready to be admitted), no matter how deep and deathly tight your grips were on your dear hubby's hands as each contractions come and go, no matter how you felt like dying as you got ready to take a deep breath and push with all your might hoping it is going to be one to help your baby out, all those pains and tortures seems to vanish the moment your baby was placed with you after the birth.

And then the real journey began... how are we going to raise him up in this world? Are we equipped enough? Are we capable to do so? Are we qualified to be his parent?

Ben at 5 days old being weighed...

He's so tiny and helpless, can we protect him for as long as we live? Today, everything we are exposed to is full of temptations, influences. How are we going to ensure he knows which is right or wrong? Which is fair and just? Which is good or bad?

And so, we toddle along with Ben as he grows up, hoping we are able to raise and nurture him to be a God fearing, God loving child. A child who does things that pleases Him. A child who brings example of Christian living. A child who brings joy to the lives of people who came into his life. A child who honors, respects and loves his parents.

#2 : Nothing beats the beautiful awesome sight of waking up next to your child

Ben at 4 days old sleeping next to mummy..

We co-sleep with Ben (still do!) and most of the time, I have the great honor of waking up next to my sleeping child who lies ever so peacefully, without a worry in his mind, without any trouble or sorrow or stress in his head.

Just simply gazing at this awesome work of God is just so fascinating and breathtaking! Not to mention, priceless too!!

#3 : You cannot expect everything to be how you want them to be

Ben at 3 weeks old...

I have a few of the "What to Expect" books in my bookshelf. But I guess the moment you have your own child, you cannot expect everything to be how you wanted it to be.

Life now revolves around them. Everything must be scheduled around them, before or after their nap time, before or after their feeding time so on and so forth.

No matter how you scheduled and planned everything, you can only hope that everything will turn out all right.

#4 : Take everything with a pinch of salt, live life to the max!

Spilled water, soiled diapers, messy high chairs, unfinished meals, and all sorts of things which can frustrates a parent... all this should not be taken seriously. What I'm trying to say is, there is no need to get frustrated, to get angry or all worked up. Just take things one step at a time and enjoy every moment! This picture below, I will always cherish and remember its moment...

Ben at 3 months old...

Ben was about 3 months old, happily sitting on my lap when he suddenly jet sprayed his poop which spewed out from the back of his diaper right onto my front... my shorts, my blouse... I was just 2 weeks into being a SAHM, still getting the hang of being a full-time mummy and I was really impressed by my own reactions towards this incident.

Instead of panicking, scolding, screaming or reacting negatively, I called out to my dear hubby to grab the camera and snap the shot. You might think it's gross or crazy for us to react this way, but it's moments like this that will not come by often, so, enjoy it!

Of course, there are lots and lots more lessons I learned from my child, and to think he's not even 2 years old yet!

Personally, I feel that the moment you become a parent, you realised you've got a whole lot more things you never know of and all of a sudden, it's like becoming a child all over again!

With that, I leave you with some inspiring parenting quotes to ponder on:

* It's not only children who grow.  Parents do too.  As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.  I can't tell my children to reach for the sun.  All I can do is reach for it, myself.  ~Joyce Maynard

* The trouble with learning to parent on the job is that your child is the teacher.  ~Robert Brault