2010 Christmas Cards...

~ Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 12:40 PM ~

In this age of modern technology, it's not often we get to receive Christmas cards anymore. People would rather go for sending Christmas greetings via Facebook (guilty!), Twitter (guilty cos my FB status goes to Twitter automatically!), blog post (guilty!) or the common method of e-cards now.

So it was a real surprise for me this year to be getting not one, but TWO Christmas cards! Actual Christmas cards! What a nice feeling that is! It's kinda big deal since we don't really get any greetings card anymore!

The first was from one of the PR company I worked with where I get to review a couple of awesome music albums this year. I love the fact that they took the trouble to do this, I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only blogger working with them, so this is quite an honor to be remembered and thought of in this joyful season! Take a look:

2010 Christmas Card
My address shaded to protect my privacy hehehe...
2010 Christmas Card
The front cover of the card... creative!
2010 Christmas Card
The Christmas & New Year greetings...
2010 Christmas Card
A handwritten note with signatures from the PR team!

The second card arrived just today, from hubby's aunt in Sydney. Ben ever the curious boy, immediately took hold of the card and start investigating...

2010 Christmas Card
"Hmm.. beautiful color! I like red!"
"Let me see, this is D, this is E, this..."

And then he flashed us his cheeky smile as if he has managed to read out the greetings from our aunty Patricia to us... Cheeky boy!

So, there you go... our 2 Christmas cards for 2010. Nice thoughtful and memorable cards. Thank you, Amanda of Lafamos PR and Branding and to our dear Aunty Patricia for thinking of us and for your trouble in sending the cards all the way to us in Malaysia!