Ben's Journey on Solids Then and Now...

~ Posted on Friday, December 10, 2010 at 3:12 PM ~

15 months ago, we were so excited with Ben's milestone on solids and Ben has been the perfect child for us, no fussing on the choice of food given.

From rice cereal mixed with breastmilk for the first few weeks, to pureed vegetables and fruits mixed with breastmilk to pureed veggie and fruits without my breastmilk to mashed vegetables and fruits, to oats and rice and even now, Ben is still taking oats for his breakfast and sometimes for his dinner as well (depending on my laziness hahaha..)

Back when I started Ben on solids when he turned 6 months old, we put him into this small pink walker. Yes, girly choice of a color you may say, but it's a hand-me down and have served us REALLY REALLY well!

This was Ben the first time we gave him a few teaspoons of rice cereal mixed with my breastmilk. Noticed how eager he was, leaning forward to taste it?

Ben's Journey on Solids Then and Now

And this was Ben a couple of months back when we first started to bring him along when we eat outside. We gave him some food to try with and he was so fascinated with the chopsticks and bigger spoon, bowl and/or plate. Kinda like a big boy feeling I guess...

Few days ago, I made oats again for Ben's cereal and instead of having the meal at kitchen, I decided to feed Ben in our room. Without any instructions, Ben immediately walked over to the pink walker and started dragging it out and get ready for me to feed him in it.

We've earlier bid farewell to the pink walker in February this year and did not use it anymore but it's still in our bedroom (lazy to put in storeroom hahahah) so it was a nice sight to see my little boy dragging the walker from the corner of the room out and even tried climbing into it so he could sit in it.

I was surprised as I totally forgotten that we used to use the walker as a feeding chair for Ben and to think he still remembers it! I carried him up and put him into the walker, and proceeded to feed him his oatmeal, while snapping this shot as well...

Hmmm... what a nice sight which brings back lots of good memories on Ben's solids journey..