I like to get books for my kiddos. If the topics are too advanced, I will read it to them during bedtime otherwise whenever I noticed any particular interests from them in any topics, I will try to get the books to further ignite their fire. My personal opinion is to ignite my kiddos' reading passion, we have to make books available to them easily. And I honestly think my strategy works for our kiddos!
Anyway, I was telling our kiddos months ago that I used to read this type of books during my early teenage years, whereby after we read a certain page, there are options available at the bottom for the reader to choose to do this or that. If you choose this option, you will be directed to a page to continue on from the option you make, so on and so forth until you reach the end of the story from your many decisions made along the way.
I told my kiddos it was so intriguing that while reading a book, we can also play a part in it by making our own decision, choosing our own paths and then see how our decisions affects the direction of the stories. They were curious and seem excited there is such books available. Little did they realised that mummy also want them to be able to apply these techniques in their real life too. To choose wisely, and cause-effect-consequences.
So I set out to search and scour the website for such books and found them! Now since I'm in Malaysia, the options are quite limited to order online. Amazon doesn't cater shipping to Malaysia for quite a lot of books so I always go to my reliable backup option which is The Book Depository.
After much research and price comparing of the many books titles available, I settled for the "Choose Your Own Adventure Books 1-6: Box Set". I felt it was the most value for money and has the interesting titles which I think will be suitable for my kiddos.

These books just arrived after over 1 month of waiting (I’m in Malaysia). Ordered on 30th July 2019, books were dispatched from UK on 2nd August 2019 and finally arrived on 21st Sept 2019.
Kiddos are so excited and looking forward to bedtime to hear the story!! I'm excited too! Yayyyy!!!
Below are some of the books I got for my kiddos so far... you can see the theme/genre goes from classic comics to educational magazines, and then to illustrated chapter books and comics with more words and in other languages (local comics by Lat)

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