At this point in time, I am still waiting for FB to rever to me on their investigation regarding to my FB page getting hacked case. I just want to alert everyone to be aware of anybody posing as "Sponsored Ads". The hacker approached me via FB Messenger offering paid ads opportunity where I can choose which adds to post on my page and monetised from it. I specifically refused anything to do with Instant Articles or anything that need me to add them as friend or grant access to anybody else to my page and was assured there's nothing to do with granting access to anybody.

AGAIN, I specifically refused anything to do with Instant Articles or anything that need me to add them as friend or grant access to anybody else to my page and was assured there's nothing to do with granting access to anybody.

The hacker assured me that I have the complete freedom to choose what ads to post.

And then the hacker gave me a link shown below which leads me to FB Business Manager.

As of 6th August 2019 8GMT, I have lost total admin control after this action. The person who approached me via Messenger has not been answering me and blocked me already. I just want to warn others and indemnify myself from being charged of any other ads postings done by the hackers from the point of me losing access to my FB page.
I did not agree to any posts, videos or ads being posted on my FB page (I'm a full-time mummy) and I am not responsible for any actions performed on the page from 6th August 2019 22.27pm Malaysia Time (8GMT?) onwards. I did not grant any access to anybody else and was scammed into this.
My FB page has been taken over by this hacker named SPONSORED ADS. Please be warned.

Any posts published by the hacker will show that it is published by SPONSORED ADS - and I AM NOT THE ONE DOING SO.

This image below is the LAST and FINAL post published by myself (as indicated published by CHIN JENNY)

I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this is true and accurate. I have also declared the same in my report to FB.