Argghhh.... the inevitable has happened... no matter how I tried to deny and pretend it will pass... Was told by my gynae to start 2 weeks self-monitoring of my blood glucose and he will revert back 2 weeks after that to see whether I needed insulin from hereon until I give birth to our 5th kiddo.
I have previously wrote about Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose a few years back, which turned out fine after 2 weeks monitoring. So hopefully I will achieve the same this time. As I still have my glucometer and all the rest of the stuff, hubby made a quick trip to our local pharmacy to change the glucometer's battery and get a new bottle of test strips (where you drip your blood onto the strip to get reading from the glucometer) as the previous unused batch already expired in 2014.

I find it harder this round to cut down my sugary stuff intake. I get snappish and cranky and even had a short bout of depression during the high/low sugar spike phase. I'm very grateful that hubby is very commited and involved in helping me through this phase. He's making salads for my breakfast and making sure I'm cutting down my sugar and carbo intake.

Results so far for 2 days are okay, within the normal limit except on day 1 when I whacked extra portion for breakfast and my results spiked up to 8.7 exactly 2 hours after breakfast. Scary!!!!
Gynae suggested within these 2 weeks to do at least 2 complete days of monitoring - means, to self-prick finger and test blood glucose level before and 2 hours after every main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 1 final round before bedtime (which I didn't do oopss)
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