I have been cutting down on doing product reviews towards the last quarter of year 2016 to prepare for our coming 4th kiddo who was born in early November 2016 and I am now slowly resuming doing product reviews but prioritizing those that can fit into our family dynamics (especially books on parenting or homeschooling stuff, family products, something along those genre) When I received an email asking whether I would be interested to review a range of babies and children toothpaste from Europe, I had initially declined to prepare for coming baby but the client is very patient and willing to wait until things have settled down on our side, so here goes my review:

About the company & products:
"SensiTeeth is a babies and children toothpaste from Europe and is distributed by AJ Research and Pharma in Malaysia.
The foundation of healthy permanent teeth in children is laid during the childhood period. Henceforth, it is essential to establish a proper and right oral hygiene product as a routine early in life to help ensure the development of strong and healthy teeth. Parents should be the key model to cultivate in their kids a good dental routine from young with clinically proven product- SensiTeeth Kids Oral Care.
There are 5 products in the range which are:

1. SensiTeeth First Tooth Paste - First teething 6+months
2. SensiTeeth Kids Tooth Paste - Fluoride 500ppm and Calcium 3+ years old
3. SensiTeeth Kids Tooth Paste - 1000ppm fluoride, and calcium 6+ years
4. SensiTeeth Epismalto Tooth Paste-1450ppm Fluoride and Calcium 6+ years
5. SensiTeeth Kids Mouthwash-100ppm Fluoride and Calcium 3 + years"

We received the following 5 products for our review. One thing that touched on my OCD side is the color of the toothpaste - as a mum of 4 kiddos, I would prefer if there are different colors for easier identification. I had to read and re-read the labels to make sure I'm giving the correct toothpaste to our kiddos, I do not notice the different tooth mascot pictures on the toothpaste until much later, maybe it is just me, but yeah, I would really appreciate different color scheme for different products hahahaha...

Firstly, I like that the toothpaste came sealed with a thin foil for hygienic and safety purpose. It assures me that the toothpaste has not been tampered with and produced with utmost safety in mind.

Moving on, I explained to our kiddos especially our older 2 (girl 5 years old and boy 7.5 years old) that mummy need them to try out a new toothpaste and to provide their honest feedback on how they feel after using it.
We started off with the SensiTeeth Kids Tooth Paste - Fluoride 500ppm and Calcium which I let our 2 girls try out (they are 3 years old and 5 years old) By 3 years old, children should be able to spit out the toothpaste after brushing. It is now that we as parents should introduce them the toothpaste with calcium-fluoride formulation, as fluoride helps to prevent and control tooth decay while calcium can help to grow stronger teeth.
SensiTeeth Kids Tooth Paste - Fluoride 500ppm and Calcium provides the appropriate amount of fluoride of only 500ppm for kids at 3 years old and above. It is specially designed for the youngest of mouths to get them used to the taste of toothpaste as well as coming in a baby-friendly blueberry flavor.

Our 5-year-old girl was the first guinea pig for the night hahahaha... well only because she is straight-up honest and is very very picky and super sensitive to what goes into her mouth. She squeals when she realized the foam forming in her mouth as her current toothpaste does not do that at all, so this is a new experience for her. I asked her whether the toothpaste is sweet and she said no and continued brushing her teeth. She gargled and rinsed off and proceeded to tell me the toothpaste is okay for her and that she likes it.
Next guinea piggy in line is our 3-year-old girl who was the second picky person in our family. I dabbed on half a pea size of the same toothpaste that her elder sister just used. Up until today, she is still using one brand of toothpaste meant for 3 months to 2 years old because she just does not like the rest of the toothpaste I got for her. So, I took a deep breath and proceeded to brush our 3-year-old's teeth (she can brush her own teeth but it is not thorough so we prefer to do it for her at the moment)
She did not wail out like what she did with another toothpaste I purposely bought for her but stood still letting me brush on. Phewww... with a heavy sigh of relief, I continued brushing her teeth and she gargled and happily trotted off to join her sister in bed. For this girl of ours, her actions are louder than her words. The very fact that she did not flat out reject the toothpaste says a lotttttttttt already!

Final guinea pig on toothpaste products for the night is our 7.5-year-old boy. I let him used the SensiTeeth Kids Tooth Paste - 1000ppm Fluoride and Calcium which is meant for children age 6+ years. This toothpaste is especially catering for the tooth transition phase which is when their milk tooth will have loosened and eventually fall off and replaced with permanent tooth.

Our 7.5-year-old boy has used a couple of different toothpaste brands so far and he said the one he is trying out now smells good but does not taste sweet. He dabbed on some onto his electrical toothbrush and quickly brushed his teeth. He said the toothpaste is okay, not minty like the one he likes (which is sweet - yes, I tasted that too LOL)

Now I must confess, boys being boys, they are like men with a few words. Hard to wriggle out more words from them at times, so as a concerned mum and this being a product review, I decided to try out the SensiTeeth Kids Tooth Paste - 1000ppm Fluoride and Calcium toothpaste. I dabbed on a big pea-sized toothpaste onto my toothbrush and noticed the strong strawberry smell. I brushed slowly, even tasted some to check whether the toothpaste is sweet or not - nope, they are NOT! To be frank, I am not used to this toothpaste as the one I'm using is minty and taste a bit sweet hahahaha... but okay, I guess no complaints from our kiddos means all is good!
Our last product to review is the SensiTeeth Kids Mouthwash-100ppm Fluoride and Calcium. Do you know that brushing alone only reaches 25% of your mouth? Hence, mouthwash that contains fluoride will provide an extra dose of cavity protection as well as reducing germs and plaque left behind after brushing.

This mouthwash is meant for children 3 years old and above so I let our older 2 kiddos try out the mouthwash after they brushed their teeth. Just want to note that our kiddos have not been exposed to any mouthwash products prior to this review so this is a new experience for them. Picture shown below is our 5-year-old girl slowly gargling her mouth with the mouthwash. She giggled and was happy when I told her that her mouth smells good after she gargled with the mouthwash. She left the bathroom mouth wide open and I can hear her asking her little sister to smell her mouth LOL.

As for our 7.5-year-old boy, he initially does not like the idea of gargling with the mouthwash until I told him that the mouthwash helps to reduce germs and plaque left behind after brushing. He promptly gargled and I heard a soft whine from him after he was done though I can see him running off to his sisters and asking them to smell his mouth hahahaha... I think this need more practice for them to get used to. I too gave the mouthwash a try after I brushed my teeth. It smells good and tasted sweet, making me gargled furiously after that. It left a lingering berry scent in my mouth after gargling. Not bad apart from the taste.
I would like to point out that we did not get to review 2 products at the moment of writing this review:
- The SensiTeeth Epismalto Tooth Paste-1450ppm Fluoride and Calcium which I will let our 7.5-year-old boy try out later as this toothpaste has higher fluoride content which can be used to prevent tooth decay as cavities is a popular disease among the children at 6 years of age and above as they start to drink or consume foods containing sugars.
- The SensiTeeth First Tooth Paste which I will let our 4th kiddo (currently 2 months old toothless hahahaha) try out when he starts teething. I am happy to know that this toothpaste is safe to swallow as it is not easy to look for one with this feature in the market and the one we currently use is a tad sweet (yes, I tasted them hahahaha)
Overall, an alternative to good oral care products for your kiddos and I love that there are different levels of fluoride and calcium to suit different age groups!

The products are now available exclusively in Guardian and selected independent pharmacies.

Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.
** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost every day) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.