With the rising in population, accommodation has become a major problem that makes house hunting a key issue in today’s world. When searching for an apartment, there are several things to consider: place of work, amenities, location and security among other factors. For a family friendly apartment, this calls for more. The location of the house has to favor your kids since it means a lot to them as they gradually mature. Anyone looking for a house for rent in KL especially young parents with has to keep the following in mind:

Learning institutions
Before moving in to a new house, do a thorough survey of the area to make sure there’re ample learning institutions such as schools and tuition centers. Usually such area will see quite a number of families with kids that will definitely make up a family-friendly neighborhood.
The security of the area is crucial especially for the little ones. Several areas of the house have to be under locks to avert the trivial matter of “missing child” that pretty much can be related to child abduction. Yikes!
This should be the case in a storied building. For floor-to-ceiling window, make sure the window is locked always or ensure the opening is small enough to not being able to fit a person. For toddlers, the opening should be high enough to be out of reach. Not forgetting windows with broken handles should be repaired as soon as possible before the family moves in so as to be sure of safety.
The porch should also be child friendly and tough enough to sustain any kind of pressure exerted on the fencing. It should also be raised to prevent any child from going over it.
The rest of the house should also have few turning points to prevent the child from knocking over hard objects, which might lead to serious injuries. Another factor to consider is the compound outside. Is the house fenced well enough to prevent stray animals and idlers from accessing your property and hurting your kids? Does the pool have proper fencing to rub away the idea of small children drowning in it?
Apartments with drive way should also include road signs within the perimeter of parking cars to avoid knocking down children playing in the hallway. The houses should always have adequate space where children can play as you watch over them from the kitchen.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise for parents to have
A lot of parents want their children developing a healthy relationship with other parents’ children of the same age like playing football in the hood. This way, even parents themselves get to bond making it a big happy family. A set playground for kids is an added advantage.
Always cross check the interior part of the apartment before giving out the cheque. A place filled with molds or other contaminants should be dealt with by either renovating the place or calling a specialist in such cases to help you out. Your family health should be your top priority
The house should have a decent size that is huge enough to contain all the necessities that your family will need especially for your children upbringing. Extra spaces will always come in handy to keep things organized.

These are the ultimate qualities to look for in a new house to move in with your children before making a final decision of buying it. Ultimately, you can always rely on property portal as the like of PropertyGuru to look for a house for rent in KL that will give you a good idea on whether the house is a right fit for your family!
However, if you have already settled down in a rented home and would like to keep your home safe to your children, you might find this guide handy and helpful.