My notebook is constantly on though I may not be sitting in front of it all the time. Few weeks back, I was in the midst to process some month-end claims and was chatting with a friend over FB chat when our 6.5 year old boy came over and sat next to me on my chair. He looked at my laptop screen and suddenly asked 'Why is it showing no Australia?'
I was like 'Huh? What?!'
Then I looked at his face, realized he was looking at my laptop screen and I checked out what he was looking... This tiny little advert on Facebook that randomly pops out on my FB page suggesting me to like the page. At first I had no idea why he said 'no Australia' until I realised he meant the picture in the advert.
Wow, coolmess! He recognized the map of Australia! There's no words showing him that it is Australia, unless you see the URL shown which was, but only if you knew .au meant Australia, and I know our kiddos don't know .au meant Australia yet.

Now ladies and gentlemen, do not underestimate the memory power of your kiddos!
You see, when our 1st kiddo was around 4 years old plus, we bought this big world map amd I started with showing our kiddos where is Malaysia (our country) followed by the few countries where our close relatives are located at (Australia, Japan, Sweden, Canada)

I don't do it often though as the map was in the playroom and we're not often in playroom LOL but when we were, I will remind and teach our kiddos on these few countries.
Looks like my teaching is paying off! Very happy and proud that our boy can recognise Australia just by the shape of the country! (Honestly, I can't LOL)
** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.