I have been sharing some of my favorite angpow pieces on an angpow collectors group in Facebook and some members have been telling me to continue sharing my memorable stories and so I thought, why not write it down, that way, our kiddos can read about it when they grow up next time, eh?
For those of you who are not familiar or never heard of the words 'Angpow' (also known as 'ang pau', 'ang pao', 'angpau'), here is a quick definition:
Angpow = Red Packet (filled with cash inside) given during festivals
So for today's angpow story, it comes from this lovely piece of angpow:

When I first see this angpow, I remembered back when I was about 8 - 9 years old when during my school holidays, I would follow my late mum back to her hometown (a small village used to be well known with charcoal mining). I always cherished my childhood memories because these are the times when I get to roam free, enjoy my childhood with my cousins, catch grasshoppers, catch tadpoles, pluck plants and play 'masak-masak' (pretend cooking), cycling around my small little 'kampung' (means village).
Now what is so memorable with this angpow?
One time, I followed my cousins cycling to this small river further into our kampung. We parked our bicycles nearby and went into the small river trying to catch fish. Happily wading into the ankle length water we suddenly realised our surrounding became very quiet, so we looked up and saw a bunch of cows drinking water from the stream. The closest cow to us was about 10 feet away.
We continued playing but one of my cousin suddenly shouted that I was wearing a red colored top and kids being kids, we ran away as fast as we could thinking the cows are going to chase red colored stuff. We ended up going to another safer river to catch tadpoles, which became another childhood memories of mine as it was my first time seeing tadpoles too.
What a sweet childhood memories!
** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.