I would like to share another website I like, Fiverr!

What is it you wonder? Fiverr is the world’s largest marketplace for Gigs starting at USD5! Everything you can think of, to buy or to sell, each for USD5! Kinda like the Daiso shop in Malaysia!
I first used Fiverr few years back when I hired a web designer to design my blog header. I had previously paid RM30 (about USD10) to a local Malaysian designer to design a blog header for me when I switched from Blogspot to my own self-domain website. I found out later that some of the objects in my blog header was duplicated and found elsewhere. I was angry and pissed and immediately looked for another designer, vowing that my blog header must not be replicated or copied elsewhere.
I am so happy I found Fiverr and after browsing through many many gigs (tasks) available, I settled on this particular designer! I totally love the results and communication with the designer was done via Fiverr website. I like it so much that I hired the same designer again 2 years later when I have our 3rd kiddo, requesting for the designer to add in another kiddo into my blog header to represent our 3 kiddos now.
Other than designing my blog header, I also paid another USD5 to hire a web specialist to analyse and go through my website and provide his recommendations to me on how best I can improve my website from there on. I was also given tips on how to monetize my website. I love the results and tips given and can see remarkable improvements after implementing the suggestions given.
Some tips I would like to share if you are planning to purchase a gig:
Do browse for other similar options, compare first before settling on the one you like.
If possible, check out the portfolios or works done by the seller (so you can have a feel of the results)
Read the gig's specifications, make sure your requirements are as detail as possible. Some additional changes requires time and money, so do take note of that.
Maintain close communication with the seller throughout the process so that any changes / feedback can be immediately acted on.

Do check out the website, who knows you might end up hiring someone there to help you out!

** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.