My 4 years old boy is VERY into CCTV lately. It started out innocently during a recent visit to my SIL's condominium and on our way back, Benjamin noticed the CCTV camera right at the corner in the lift and started asking me what is that. And that started everything....
I explained to him it was a camera to monitor any naughty children who threw tantrums in the lift (to scare my boy who on and off likes to throw tantrums), or bad people who wanted to vandalise the lift or cause crimes in the lift like stealing people's wallet or kidnapping etc etc. He seems satisfied with my answers and remained quiet until that night... and asked me again the same question. And I repeated my answer.
The next few days, we went to Tesco for grocery shopping and he noticed another type of CCTV hanging from the top and asked me what is that. And again, I tell him the same thing. Few minutes later, he asked me why is the CCTV STILL there. Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I remained cool and answered again it will remain there forever.
Another time when we were out eating at a food shop, he asked me why aren't there any cameras in the food shop? I looked at hubby and told him to answer giving him my take-over-this-I'm up-to-here-tired-with-the-same-questions-over-and-over-and-over-again look... Before hubby could reply, Ben pointed at a corner of the shop and said 'There! There's a camera there!'
And then he asked why is the camera there. I continued eating my food, letting hubby answered our boy and Ben continued asking why the CCTV never moved. Hubby told him it cannot move, else it will not be able to capture the criminal's face.
And then on Sunday during church service before hubby brought our kiddos to their Sunday classes (normally I will bring Alyson while hubby will drop Ben off at his class before heading back to main hall for sermon but that Sunday I was sick and told hubby to take over) and Ben asked me 'Why is there no camera in church?'
Oh boy....
I told him because there is no criminal in church and that everybody behaves properly in church?
And then he asked hubby the same question and hubby told him because God is watching.
Ooo... nice reply!
Cctv Camera by colin russell
CCTV.... so many questions from a same device... and yet different varieties of reply which can come from it... hmmm...