I have always been careful with what comes out of my mouth. I am a naive person and sometimes speak out what went on exactly on my mind. Long ago, being honest like this got me into troubles as I am not being 'political' enough and because of this, I have slowly learned to guard what I want to say before I say it out. Which, most of the times nowadays, I rather just keep quiet and let it slide.
However, it happened again quite recently where I just shared what I feel on my mind and was then blasted for not having good 'taste' to appreciate some sense of style and I was also blasted with other things which in my opinion is hurtful.
Okay... my bad... I hope this will be my final lesson learned that I really should not bother to share my honest opinion. I mean, being honest sometimes is not good because there are people who really don't appreciate it and already set their mind that they have good taste and choice and that you don't know any better and that you should just keep your mouth shut.
Point taken. I'm writing this post as a reminder to myself.
Proverbs 21:23 (NIV), Ephesians 4:29 (NIV), Proverbs 12:18 (NIV)

Also with this lesson, I think I should stay away from people like this who thinks highly of themselves. A good friend is one who appreciates and takes criticism with good strides, not blasting back at you with hurtful remarks and putting themselves up higher. So, yeah, I don't think people like this deserve to be in my range of friends.
Do you ever have to deal with situations or people like this?