No, really. This post is not intended to give you my personal tips on how to cut your child's hair. I'm actually asking the question, how do you cut your child's hair?
Ever since my boy started growing his hair, I have been his sole hairstylist. He refuses to let anybody but ME to touch his hair. Numerous attempts to lure him to a saloon and barber shop resulting in him hiding behind us and shaking his head frantically.
Sigh... I should be proud of my boy's ermm... good taste (hopefully!) in sticking to one and only hair stylist, but I admit I am still clueless on how to cut a child's hair!
The initial attempts in hair cutting has resulted in lots of laughs and jokes on my boy and myself. I really do not know how to cut his hair properly, especially the sideburns and above the ears part. Even until this day as my boy is slowly approaching his 4 years old milestone.
Normally I cut his hair at our balcony, always before his water pool playtime. This is so I could easily wash away the trimmed hair on the floor. I'll get my boy to sit still on our Ikea stool and he'll be wearing his Spiderman swimming trunks and waited as I cut, cut, cut!

I have tried checking in Youtube on tips to cut around the sideburns and above ears area but couldn't find any videos and tips on this. Hence, I am still depending on my own judgement and luck to cut my boy's hair everytime heheheh...
So any tips?