Few weeks back, I dreamt of Ashton Kutcher.
Before I continued on, please note that I am not that crazy of him at all. I know he's the dude in That '70s Show and Two and a Half Men and he's dating Mila Kunis (Ok, I'm quite the celebrity gossip fan) and he's divorcing Demi Moore.
OK, enough about the details.
Anyway, in that dream, I found myself in a cafe of some sort, quite dingy place and I could instantly recognize him from far. I was thinking to myself in my dream 'OK, this is obviously a dream. I'm in Malaysia, how the heck could this be real?' Anyway, in my dream, he was sitting next to 2 of his male friends chatting happily.
I thought of walking away but then in my dream, again I thought 'Hey, it's a dream. What else can go wrong? Just go to him and get a photograph or something!'
So I walked towards Ashton. When I was standing right in front of him, I panicked. Couldn't say anything. Even if it's just a dream.
He asked me what's up. I asked him whether I can take a photograph with him for my dream memories.
He asked why should he agree to that.
I said 'Because I'm a blogger.' (In my mind, I can't believed I said THIS!)
To my surprise, he said 'Okay, fair enough' and stood right next to me.
I don't trust his friends to take the picture plus I prefer to hold the camera myself so I extended my left hand right in front of us and clicked. I thanked him and walked away happily thinking 'I am sooooooooooo going to post this up on my FB page!'
Then I woke up from my dream.
Arghhhhhhhh.... so for the sake of reliving my dream, the picture sort of look like uhmmm... this?