Hi! My name is Jenny! This is going to sound pretty embarrassing... I have a confession to make.
I am an online shopaholic.
Yes, I go crazy at buying things online ESPECIALLY when there are discount codes and vouchers which help me save money in my purchases! I hope I don't come across as a cheapskate but with prices of things getting more and more expensive nowadays, why not consider saving while still be able to buy the things you wanted to buy?
I just came across a website offering Debenhams discount code and Next Voucher Codes. Boy oh boy! They are calling me! Must-resist-and-finish-typing-this-post-first!!!
OK, back to my post, I mean, if you are going to buy the things anyway, why not scout for the best deals?! After all, who wouldn't want to save some money and still feel good knowing they get the best deals right?!
* Image credit: MyVoucherCodes.co.uk Facebook page
To be honest, the main reason why I prefer to shop online nowadays is the convenience of shopping. From the comfort of my own home, I can easily compare the items across different websites, choose the best deals, not easily be swayed by the salesperson (I am easily convinced to buy things and feel guilty if I stepped into a shop without buying anything!), purchase them and wait for the items to arrive to me!
So far, I have bought stuff like books (tons and tons of it!), clothing for myself and my 2 kids, toys, household items, cupcakes, organic puffs for my girl, heck, the latest online purchases I made (just a few weeks ago) was the survival kit I got for my hubby's 32nd birthday!
So, what sort of things have you bought online with awesome savings?