I just had this idea the other night and told myself I must write this down. In case you don't know, I am quite crazy with coining words and keywords (check out my 'BE AWESOME' approach in potty training my boy) so when I thought of these few words that started with the letter D and then I make the connections for these words to be applied and practiced by new mums (or mums-to-be) who wants to embark (or just step) into breastfeeding journey, I think this is a cool idea!
These are the few tips that I always shared with mums-to-be who asked me questions on breastfeeding previously. Anyway, here you go:
* Image credit: Google search
You must be determined to make it work! I wrote about my tips on how I make my breastfeeding works and I think this is the 1st important step to making your breastfeeding journey smooth!
If you are not determined to make it work, no matter how good your breast pump or how awesome your baby latches on successfully, it will not last! So remember to be determined and focus on the goal to make breastfeeding works for you and baby!
* Image credit: Google search
During the first month (at least), just focus on direct latching and nursing your baby.
DO NOT express or pump yet until you are about 2 weeks into finishing your maternity leave. (In Malaysia, most working mums get 2 months maternity leave) Some mums in a breastfeeding group I joined are too concerned with the amount of breastmilk they can pump out or the amount of breastmilk their baby is taking and I always feel that this are unnecessary worries that the new mums put onto themselves!
By direct feeding your baby, it will constantly send signals to your brain that "Baby still needs loads and loads of breastmilk! Continue producing!"

Again, during the first month (at least), just feed your baby on demand. Whenever baby is hungry or is fussy or just need comfort, just feed! Don't be tied up or stressed out with following schedules or timetable.
I repeat again, by demand feeding your baby, it will constantly send signals to your brain that "Baby still needs loads and loads of breastmilk! Continue producing!"
* Image credit: Google search
OK, Chinese folks will frown at this tip as we have this superstitious beliefs that new mums in confinement period (usually 30 days) must not drink plain water. They have herb drinks to replace plain water during the 30 days. Now I am not into superstitions thinking so other than the occassional red dates drink during my confinement, I drink loads of plain water to hydrate myself.
I always tell new mums or mums-to-be who are concerned with superstitious thinking like this to think how our Western mums do? They will drink water of course!
I started dreamfeeding my 1st child in the 1st week. Too tired to get up every 1-2 hours, bending over and carried him from his crib which is right next to our bed, nursed him then put him back in his crib. It is simply too tiring. One time I was too tired to wake up and just continued nursing my baby even while he was asleep. I finally found out this is called dreamfeeding and it was this that started our co-sleeping method. This method works for us and we are still doing so with our 2nd child.
The benefits of breastfeeding is so much more greater and advantageous both for you and your baby, not to mention your hubby's wallet too! Think of how much you saved by not needing to buy formula milk, bottles, steriliser, etc etc.
Happy breastfeeding!
** P.S: Feel free to leave your comment if you have any questions to ask me!