It has been a while since I last drove my car (hubby's 11 year old second hand car actually, passed down to me when he bought a second hand car for his business use) and I was just starting back to gather enough courage to drive the car myself, brought Ben along a couple of times with him sitting behind like a good boy, just about 5 minutes away to buy some buns and takeaway food.
And then the news about all the crimes started coming in...
** Image credit: Google search
First it was posted by a lady on Facebook about the failed attempt to kidnap her in a shopping mall (about 20 minutes away from our house). At first I thought, OK, I won't go to shopping malls by myself or with my kids, unless my hubby is going out as well.
And then numerous cases of people being hit and attacked randomly at parking lots and got their belongings stolen while they were in the car park area.
OK, fine, I really need to step up and beefed up on observing all around while at the car park. Make sure not to draw attention to myself, don't bring big handbags or anything, put all belongings into a small pouch or best to put inside pockets of my pants. Do everything fast, don't delay or be a slowpoke and walk slowly and all. Into car, drive, out, get stuff, back into car, those kind of moves I thought...
Next a recent case of a lady and her friend being attacked in an open-air car park in broad daylight. BROAD DAYLIGHT. OPEN-AIR car park! She managed to escape after being noticed by 2 passers by because she kept on pressing her car horn with her hand and legs, all the time while being attacked.
And just yesterday I saw a post shared on a friend's Facebook wall about the latest tactic used by robbers to rob you. They lay down spikes on the road and waited for your car to drive by and when you stop to check your burst tires, they run out and rob you!
Oh gosh... what is wrong with our country?
At this rate, I might end up being at home 24/7/365 (which I already am most of the time unless we have a family outing)
What are your tips to protect yourself when you are out and about?