What My 3 Year Old Build...

~ Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 8:10 AM ~

The other day, my 3 year old made this from his MegaBloks...

I'm a full-time mummy

I asked him what is that he just built and then he told me...

I went 'Wow... good imagination!'

Can you guess what is it?










He made the electrical power station!

I'm a full-time mummy

Comments (5) -

Head Ant

That is pretty clever! Last night, my son made a roller coaster out of train tracks--made my heart melt.

Thanks for sharing!

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Thanks Head Ant! What a cute nickname! Kids are so amazing these days huh!

Dominique@Dominique's Desk

I was thinking twin towers at the first glance. Smart boy you have there.


He's awesome. You should take part in that contest I saw. 'my kid did what?' I think it's either from huggies or drypers. Can't remember. Can check it out from facebook.


That's awesome!! What a great imagination he has Smile

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