I have received a number of emails and comments from my followers asking how I get to review products and apps so I decided to list down my tips and post it (maybe weekly?) to share my experience and tips. Feel free to drop me an email or comment if you want to find out more or anything else.
Last week, I shared my second tip in getting products to review, which is SNOOP AROUND! Here goes my third tip:
Yes, amongst the gazillions Tweets and updates popping every seconds, you can still find treasure (in this case product reviews) in it!
Now what you need to do:
- Make sure you have a Twitter and Facebook accounts (well, you can still see Tweets or Facebook updates if you don't have a Twitter and Facebook accounts but it is better if you have an account so that potential sponsors can contact you back!
- For Twitter, look out for keywords like 'product for reviews' or 'looking for bloggers' etc. If you see any Tweets of review pitches, reply the Tweet and let them know you are interested! I have personally received a lot of products to review just by searching via Twitter!
- For Facebook, watch out for reviews posted or pictures tagged etc on other bloggers' fanpages! You'll be surprised I actually get products to review from Facebook too!
- Btw, do you know I sometimes shared out review and/or giveaway opps on my Facebook page too? So yes, don't forget to follow my Facebook page too!
There you go, my 3rd blog tips on getting products to review.
Try it yourself and let me know the outcome!
Stay tuned for my next blog tips next week!

** P.S: Please note that it is always better if your blog has good following and good PR rank as these factors help a lot when you request for a product to review.