Struggling and Coping...

~ Posted on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 12:07 PM ~

Hi all,

Just want to drop a note that I am struggling and coping with tandem nursing. It's more of an emotional issues which I read occurs commonly for tandem nursers and I'm trying to overcome this and praying hard I will get through this obstacle.

I'm currently on day 11 of tandem nursing and again, this is more of an emotional battle for me to fight through (am also suspecting could be due to hormonal changes since my body is trying to revert back to the pre-pregnancy stage)

My dearest hubby has been the greatest source of strength and pillar for me to rely on during this difficult times. What would I do without him?! Every minute he has spared, he spends it with us and helped me take care of Ben during his fussy moments.

Please pray for me, us and that we will get through this.

Any experienced tandem nursing mamas who has been there and done that, appreciate your support and encouragement in any way.

God bless you all.

Comments (20) -

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life

Thoughts and prayers coming your way!!!  Your an amazing momma!!

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hi Cindy!
It’s been a while since we last connected! Thank you for your support and prayers! Take care!


I understand it will be never easy for tandem nursing. I do not have any experience to share. I just hope to drop a note to tell you that i am here support you fully mentally. Gan Bah Teh !!! I strongly believe u r able to make it through, u r great mum Smile


just take it one day at a time....

mrs green

Your husband sounds wonderful and you sound amazingly strong; I know you are going to get through this. By breathing into each moment and being present in each moment you will come out the other side triumphant Smile bright blessings to you and your family sweet mama Smile


You will get through this...Don't worry ya.

Wish you a very Happy Mooncake Festival. Hope is still not too late to wish you.



Hey girl!!  I have no experience with tandem nursing - but wanted to give you a virtual {{hug}}!!


I have been so busy that I missed the birth of your child!  I really need to do some catch up here on your blog.  (((HUGS)))  Do the best you can and rely on God for strength.  If it doesn't work - then don't stress - you have done a lot and you are a wonderful mother.  I will be praying the emotions settle and you are able to relax and enjoy this time with both your babies!

Love you girlie!

Catheryn @ PinkBibs

I dont have 2 babies in hand now but I can imagine the challenge.  May God give you strength.

Missing you! ANd looking forward to more posts and updates from you.


You have the sweetest husband ever! Hang in there, you will go through it. Prayers for you and take good care!


Hey there! It's hard with 2 young ones. I don't have any experience with tandem nursing and don't really know what you're going through but you might want to check out this mom blogger who has 3 kids and have successfully tandem nursed. She's Malaysian and a great bloggy friend. You can leave her a comment, e-mail or facebook her. Here's her blog
Hope it helps and my prayers go out to you. Take care.

Mama, Hear Me Roar

Hi Jenny! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can really feel your struggle with tandem nursing... You have a wonderful husband who is so supportive.  

I tandem nursed my 3 kids together until my eldest was 5yo. My 2nd kid is still tandem nursing (he's 3yo). I went through negative feelings too when I was a new tandem nurser with my 1st and 2nd kids. It took the first few months to work through them, but after that it was wonderful and I (and all my kids) have been so blessed by tandem nursing.

Will share more of my experience on my blog, hope it helps ... my prayers are with you and your lovely family!

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Thank you all for your support and prayers. God bless you all!

Blond Duck

Popped in from SITS!  Kudos to you!  The hardest job in the world is being a mom!

Larri @ Seams Inspired

I have no advice to offer; however, I will definitely send up a prayer. Smile (((HUGS)))

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10


I never had that before. Just don't think about it and smile always, it will go away very soon. Take care and give my hug and kisses to junior.

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Thank you all for your support and prayers. God bless you all!


I also had a tough time tandem nursing my son but I never regret until now. Glad you have a very supportive hubby. Don't worry, you will definitely get through it. Be strong!

Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy

Hi food-4tots!
Thank you for your support and sharing. God bless you!

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