* Image taken from Google search
I received a call from a headhunter (aka recruiter) about 10pm+ few days back, telling me he got my resume from his database. The conversation goes something like this:
HH: Ms. Jenny, according to your resume here, are you still working with this company (name not disclosed)? Me: Err.. no... I quit that job 2 years ago.HH: Oh, are you interested in this job offer with this IT company (name not disclosed)?
At the same time, Ben started fussing (almost his bedtime) and I decided to cut the call short.
Me: Actually, I've retired from IT line for 2 years already.HH: Retired?!
I could imagine he got a shock of his life when he heard the word 'retired' since he's holding and looking over my resume while we were talking and he might have noticed that I'm still in my early 30s. So I clarified that I retired for now to be a full-time mummy.
HH: Ohhhh...But do you have any plans to return back to work at this moment?Me: Umm... Not in this few years, probably when my kids are older and going to school I guess.
The call ended shortly with him thanking me for my time and wishing me the best in life and I did the same to him. Hmmm... I regretted not asking him the package offered (oh well, I could at least dream about the offer right?)
* Image taken from Google search
So yeah, it is nice and flattering to know that even after 2 years of staying off the radar in the IT line, I am still being hunted! At least I know when the time comes for me to decide to return back to the working world, I still have options!
But like I said earlier, now is not the time yet. As for income for the family, God is good, and He still is, and I know, forever will be. Even after 2 years, we're still doing well and that proves God is watching over us and providing for our needs.
If you're a SAHM, will you want to return back to the working world? And why?