I was offered this awesome maternity product for my review and I'm so glad to be given the opportunity to try it out! As I read through the product description, I thought to myself, "Wow! This product seems cool, I mean, I could use it throughout my pregnancy and after!"

Description from the product page:
"* Useful at every stage of your pregnancy:
1. First trimester-Continue wearing your skin-tight jeans by wearing them unbuttoned and held up by the Bella Band.
2. Second trimester-Bella Band holds up too-loose maternity bottoms till you grow into them.
3. Third trimester-Bella Band prevents your belly from pushing pants down.
4. Post-pregnancy-Bella Bands hold up loose maternity jeans as your body shrinks back into shape. They also do great to hide that postpartum tummy when you lift up your shirt to nurse!
5. Fold into two to use band as a tube bra.
* The Bella Bands are worn over the unzipped/unbuttoned area, on the outside. Wear over your belly or fold into two for a more snug fit.
* One size lasts throughout your pregnancy.
* Made of nylon spandex."
A bit of info about Maternity Exchange, the wonderful sponsor for the Bella Band:

"Maternity Exchange™ seeks to make maternity wear shopping a guilt-free, liberating and fun experience. We are the first maternity rental store in Singapore that carries luxe international maternity labels like Liz Lange, Japanese Weekend, Belly Basics, Duet Designs, Arabella B and Belly Button. And the best part? You won't have to pay through-the-roof prices for them. We know you want to look fab, not fat, during this fashion-challenged time, but stylish and affordable maternity styles are sadly lacking.
Add to that the fact that your body is constantly changing, and you're probably even more unwilling to pay top dollar for clothes that will only fit you a couple of months. With the flexibility of renting, or buying in our store, you can have that expansive (and not expensive!) maternity wardrobe filled with luxurious designer and high-quality maternity wear."
Maternity Exchange™ is located at:
6, Raffles Boulevard, #03-108, Marina Square, Singapore 039594.Tel: (65) 6100-EXCH (6100-3924)Website: http://shop.maternityexchange.sg/
The packaging of the Bella Band that I received...
Bella Band sizing chart, I requested the size 2 for myself.
There are 9 colors to choose from and in the end, I opted for the White one as I think it would be easier for me to match it with my clothing. Now a couple more pictures on the Bella Band for you to look at...
That's my toddler's hand touching the Bella Band's soft materials...
The printed details and washing instructions in the inner layer of the Bella Band.
Yikes!! I can't even zip my jeans!
Wearing Bella Band over my tight jeans...
Can you tell my jeans are unzipped?
I tried out the Bella Band on Sunday, attended church service and my toddler's Sunday school and have no problems whatsoever with it. It feels great knowing I can still wear my beloved pre-pregnancy jeans (which I always wear to church on Sundays) and to think that I'm actually walking around with my jeans unzipped (gasp!) and yet looking normal and oh-so-chic with the maternity band... AWESOME!!
I have to tell you firsthand... I love, love, love this short pants of mine!
I bought it 10 years ago, wore it throughout my 1st pregnancy, and even had to take out the string at the waist as my belly expands.
And now, with my 2nd pregnancy, I find that the pants are a bit too loose for me. I have kept it in my closet for a few months ever since I got pregnant and with Bella Band to review, I decided to give it a try over my loose short pants.
And what I think of it? It wraps and grips the loose part nicely and hooray!!!
I can wear my short pants again!!!!
Of course after trying out the Bella Band over tight and loose clothing, I have to test it after machine wash. I was wearing the Bella Band for about a week and finally decided to part with it so that I could throw it along with my other laundry into the washing machine to test out the material after machine wash. During then, I had to sulk be content with doing without the Bella Band while waiting for it to dry.
The moment it was dry and ready for use, I immediately wore it over my short pants (again!) and ahhhhhh.... nice... love, love, love the soft materials over my preggy bump! Oh, of course, after machine wash, Bella Band's material remains the same, the width and length are not affected in anyway and the colors remains the same. Wonderful!
Ben hugging my legs while watching his Sesame Street video on my laptop...
I also want to mention that thanks to Bella Band, when I comfort nurse Ben at night, I am very satisfied as it keeps my belly warm and protected. Before this, I had to use the blanket to cover up my tummy when I nursed Ben.
My Verdict? I love this product! I can use it over loose clothing, tight clothing and even at night when I'm comfort nursing my toddler (yes, I may be in my 2nd trimester but I'm still nursing my toddler!)
The only thing that I don't like about the Bella Band is the edges of the label which was sewn on the outside layer which at times scratches my skin. I feel it'll be better if they just print the label like how they did for the details and washing instructions on the inner layer.

You can purchase Bella Band from Maternity Exchange website.
As a bonus, Maternity Exchange is offering a 10% off online purchases of Bella Bands for my blog readers. What you guys need to do to redeem this 10% discount is just simply quote my blog name (I'm a full-time mummy) under the "Remarks" entry during check out and pay via credit card or Paypal. The relevant discounted amount will be credited back accordingly. Please note that only payments via credit card or Paypal can enjoy this discount.

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a free product by the sponsor in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.