Wondering what my 2 year old does every single day when we're at home?
Following are pictures taken on what Ben does on daily basis, although of course not all on the same day! There are some days when I'm too tired to be doing drawing and coloring activities with him or some days when I could even play in the water pool with him... but nevertheless, pictures below (in no particular order) for you to enjoy and have a brief glimpse on what my boy does on daily basis...
Color painting at our balcony (click on the link for more pictures!)
(oh well, basically Ben just holds the brushes, wet it with water and color on the pages)

Playing in his water pool at our balcony... (click on the link for more pictures!)
Ben has lately developed a new hobby to 'cook' and 'boil' food and drinks for himself and me!

Jamming with his guitar...
Normally with John Mayer songs or when he hears Rascal Flatt's 'Life is a Highway' (one of the soundtrack in Cars movie)

His new activity which is playing with daddy's DIY playmat! (click on the link for more pictures!)

Scribbling on his art book... (click on the link for more pictures!)
Every now and then, I teach him to draw certain shapes and at the same time teach him about colors...

Chasing him around the room to bath him - normally after his water pool time...

Stickers time! My balcony door is taking the biggest hit now... but it's OK, it's Ben's 'artwork' heheheh...
We currently have 2 sticker books which I bought from the night market near my house - Toy Story and Cars, both are Ben's favorites!

I just started playing this fruit toys today with Ben. Trying to get him to familiar with the types of fruits and also the colors of it as well.
He kept sniffing (we always get him to sniff the real ones when we go grocery shopping) and biting the toys!

Reading his books... (click on the link for more pictures!)

Ever since Ben saw how his 2nd uncle fixes car (he's a mechanic), Ben is always trying to emulate the same thing.

Watching Sesame Street videos on Youtube...
Picture below of Ben holding this DIY 'binocular' I made out of an empty toilet roll which I cut half and masking tape all over to make the 'binoculars'

Watching and dancing along to bible action songs... (click on the link for more pictures!)

Other than the above, Ben also occassionally play with his Mega Bloks though definitely not with me nowadays, I really can't bear to scoop out each and every blocks and put them back into the storage box, though yes, everytime Ben plays them with his daddy, I end up most of the time cleaning up the mess afterwards... but oh well, at least I don't need to crack my head to build a sword, a jeep, a tractor, a robot and etc etc from those Mega Bloks! You can see more pictures from this post of mine: Ben the Engineer?
Of course, with all the above activities, Ben has to eat to keep up at all times! So pictures below are those I managed to take of him eating during lunch and snack times... and he watches his favorite movies such as Cars and Toy Story (1, 2 & 3) during his meal times. I had to watch them with him so much that I can tell you the errors and mistakes I discovered in those movies! So anyway, pictures time!
Ben munching on a VERY sour strawberry, and not even batting an eye over it! Weird...
Other than strawberry, I normally feed Ben grapes or mangoes we get them more often during our grocery shopping.

Ben breastfeeding - this photo is taken very recently, about a few days back,
and yes, I'm still breastfeeding him during my pregnancy now.

Ben munching on his 2nd slice of cheese, other than the fish crackers and a piece of banana on his plate.

Ben drinking his yogurt drink while having his lunch of a slice of bread, a cracker, some jelly and mangoes slices.

So there you go... pictures above are what Ben does during his daytime activities most of the days...
What about your child? What did they do on daily basis?