Yeap, today is the day my precious Benjamin turns 24 months old... aka, the TERRIFIC 2 stage! I choose not to even think of the commonly used 'terrible twos' terms as I like to think positive and I believe we as parents should think the best of our child!
So yeah, here's a glimpse to the 24 awesome, awesome months we went through with our dear boy. Mind you, I have a very, very large collection of pictures taken almost daily since Ben was born and so to choose only 1 to depict each month is quite a difficult task. There are of course many many more I would love to share with you guys but these will do for now... heheheh...
Some of the pictures are linked to some of my blog posts, so feel free to click on it to read more (and see more pictures!). Here goes:
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and I pray for many many many more awesome months and years to come that we can spend with our cute little guy! What an exciting phase for him (and us) to be entering the terrific two stage!
Happy 2nd birthday to you sweetie!
Mummy and daddy loves you awfully so so so much!
Read: Psalm 112:1-2 (NIV), Psalm 127:3 (NIV), Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)