Was browsing through some old pictures in my computer and had an idea to post this up to share with you guys. This is what happened around Christmas time 1 year ago...
Ben sitting up well and responding to requests to look at camera for snapshots...
Ben still sits in his favorite pink walker...
I remembered how I got panic initially at the thoughts of Ben turning into a chomping little monster and chomped off my nipples when breastfeeding the moment I saw the first tooth appearing on his gums. Thank God there's only been 2 episodes of this, both are accidents and unintentional (too hungry can't wait for slowpoke mummy) and he has since given mummy 0 problems while breastfeeding!
First tooth sighted!
Ben started giving us faces... CUTE faces that is!
Time goes by so quickly!! It is over a year already since then and Ben has grown into such a cute, healthy and well behaved little boy!
Mummy and daddy will always always love you dear Ben and dearie, don't need to grow up so fast, let us enjoy a bit more of you!