After my successful first attempt at baking Shortbread Chocolate Chip Butter Cookies without using premix, I have decided to attempt butter cookies WITHOUT relying on premix again and this time, I used cookies cutter for the added special touch!
This recipe was adapted from Sara Lewis's "Healthy Home-Made Food For Babies & Toddlers
" book. Because of this recipe, I actually bought the cute mini cookies cutter! So without further ado, here goes:
* About 5 minutes to mix & prepare the dough
* About 15 minutes to cut out the cookies
* 12 minutes for baking process
* The recipe makes 60 cookies but because my cookies cutter are much smaller, I made about 100+ cookies
Ingredients / Tool Required:

(Picture on left clockwise from top: Butter, plain flour + cornflour and sugar)
* A little bit oil for greasing (I didnt' use this as I used baking paper instead)* 150g plain flour (I used wheat flour) * 25g cornflour * 155g butter (I cut into cubes and chilled it a bit) * 50g caster sugar (extra for sprinkling if you liked) * A bowl to mix ingredients in * Kitchen scale * Spatula * Baking sheet & paper (I used 1 baking sheet and 1 wire rack instead) |
What to Do?
* Preheat oven to 180℃.
* Brush 2 baking sheets with a little oil (I used 1 baking sheet and 1 wire rack instead and I used baking paper instead)
* Put together the flour, cornflour and sugar in a bowl.
* Cut the butter into pieces and rub into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
* Mould to a dough with your hands.
* Knead lightly and roll out on a floured surface to a 5mm thickness (mine is thicker, almost 1cm).
* Stamp out shapes with small cookie cutters.
* Transfer to the baking sheets, sprinkle with extra sugar if liked (I didn't do this as I don't want Ben to be eating too sweet stuff).
First batch on baking paper using baking sheet
Second batch on baking foil using wire rack
* Set oven to 180℃ and bake for 10-12 minutes until pale golden.
* Loosen with a knife and leave to cool on the baking sheets and then transfer to a wire rack.
Cute right? Flower shape, tree shape, ice cream shape, star shape, crown shape and more!
"Yummy and oh-so cute looking! Crisp, taste all are just nice!" (giving myself a pat on the back again.. hehehe)
"Ammm! Ammm!"
"Hmmm, taste good! Very cute shapes too!" |
"Mmmm... taste very nice! The sweetness is just ngam-ngam (perfect in Chinese). Bonnie (her 11 year old daughter) also said very nice and she's not a butter cookies person you know..."
"Delicious, but I prefer to see it more brown - try baking it a bit longer - give it the burnt look." |
So there you go.... my SHORTBREAD SHAPES BUTTER COOKIES 2nd attempt without using premix (1st attempt at using cookies cutter)! Overall, I'm very happy with this attempt and I have additional 2 guinea pigs (my SIL and her daughter) to test on as we're out for a family dinner just an hour after I baked this cookies! To view my other recipes, feel free to hop over to my Recipe Library page for more info!
I leave you with a snapshot of my cheeky little man taking a bite of the cookie while watching his Donald Duck cartoons (his gobbling record stands at 5 cookies in less than 5 minutes)...

Brought to you by: Mama Baker wannabe aka