Just want to share some pictures taken during our recent family outing to a shopping mall where we saw tons of lantern decorations in view of the coming Mid-Autumn Festival on today's date. FYI, these decorations were displayed all around the mall for a contest held (the theme this year is underwater) and the rule is the lanterns and decorations must be made from recycled products. I think it is a good idea!
Closer look shows that the 'fish' are actually made from recycled plastic bottles.
Here's another one which impressed us quite a bit... Look at the 'scales' of the 'fish'!
It's made of those aluminium cans' tabs.

We liked this one, it's made of rubber foam. Looks real huh?

And here's Nemo and his dad!

And here's a shot of Ben checking out the lanterns deco with daddy.

To those celebrating this festival,
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!