This is my 1st attempt of making: BLUEBERRY MUFFIN. I baked this on Saturday 11th Sept. Sorry totally forgot to take the pictures of the process (again!)...
* Less than 5 minutes to mix & fold batter
* 7 minutes to pre-heat the oven
* 22 minutes for baking process
Ingredients / Tool Required:
* Blueberry Muffin Mix (250g)
* 1 egg (at room temperature)
* 68ml oil
* 50ml water (at room temperature)
* Measuring spoons
* A big containter to mix ingredients in
* A flexible spatula for mixing and folding
* Cupcake casings-depending the casing size, I used 7 pieces this round
* Kitchen scale
* A small spoon to spoon mixture into cupcake casings
* Baking aluminium foil the size of wire rack
What to Do?
* Place all ingredients into a big container, making a well with the dry ingredients at the outer side while the oil, water and egg are in the well.
* Mix and fold using the flexible spatula.
* Continue mixing and folding until all ingredients are combined.
* Using the small spoon, spoon the mixture to each cupcake casing until about 3/4 full.
* Place each cupcake casings on top of wire rack which has been lined with baking foil.
*Pre-heat oven at 180℃ (about 7 minutes since I reduced the temperature this time by 5℃)
* Place wire rack tray into oven.
* Set oven to 180℃ and bake for 22 minutes (extra 2 minutes just to be safe)

I was so freaking excited when I see the nice top!

See who else is anxiously waiting for the muffins!
* Test subject 1 (aka me): "Ooo I love it! This time is sooooooo much better! Love the top, the moist is perfect! I'm so happy I want to name each of the blueberry muffins!!!"
* Test subject 2 (aka Ben): "Ammm Ammm Mammm... "(Ben's signals for us that he wants to eat it NOW!)

(Going, going, gone!!! Ben whacked almost 1 muffin by himself!)
* Test subject 3 (aka hubby): "Perfect! Save me the last one!"
* Test subject 4 (aka MIL): "Wah! This time is very nice. See, must practise more then can make better taste!"
* Increased pre-heat time from usual 5 minutes to 7 minutes
* Reduced pre-heat temperature from usual 190℃ to 180℃
* Reduced baking time from 25 to 22 minutes (at 20th minute, I use chopstik to poke one of the muffins to check doneness then decided 2 more minutes extra to be safe)
* Maintained baking temperature at 180℃ since my previous baking attempt created nice muffin peaks
So there you go.... my 1st BLUEBERRY MUFFINS attempt!
Overall, I'm very happy with this attempt - the way they turned out, nice rounded peak and the perfect moist, the crust top is just nice, not too hard and not too soft.
Oh well, I love it so much in this attempt that I am going to name all the muffins:

To view my other recipes, feel free to hop over to my Recipe Library page for more info!
Brought to you by: Mama Baker wannabe aka