This is what happened on Ben's 3rd Sunday school class:
We arrived early again, so Ben played around with the toys there.

Then he dragged a plastic chair (which is pretty high compared to the one we got at home),
sat on it with a caterpillar toy while still looking around for other toys to play with.
Then as usual, when the class started, it was prayer time, singing, dancing and story telling.
They are repeating the "Jonah" story again this week, so nothing much different to update today.
After the story telling, the children are told to wash hands and get ready for their mini snack time.
After the snack, they get down to art activity which I think for this week is pretty simple, not much creativity required.
Each child was given a ready made fish (paper plate folded into half),
and they just need to stick on the round shape color stickers onto the fish - kinda like the scales of the fish.

After the class ended, we said thanks to the teacher and left for our lunch farewell party with Ben's great grandma which I will write in another post :)
So how did you spend your Sunday?