Ever since I started Ben on solids when he turned 6 months old, I make it a habit to say to him "Let's pray before we eat" which then progressed to "What do we do before we eat?" to which Ben will clasped his hands together with gestures of praying.
Our short and simple meal time prayers for Ben always goes like this:
"Thank you God, bless this food, Amen.".
Check out this video made of Ben showing how he prays when he was 13 months old.
(*Note: You can also click on either pictures below to view the video as well.)

I have had people telling me that we're brainwashing him into Christian beliefs by praying when he doesn't know what and why is it for.

Yes, maybe Ben is still too young to understand the concept and the need to pray and be thankful for things we are blessed with...
But I think exposing him to the idea of praying and giving thanks is a good start.
I find it good to spend a few moments to give thanks to God for the food we have on our table.
For being healthy and happy.
For being blessed with a good life.
What do you think?
Read: Luke 11:1-13 (NIV), Proverbs 15:8 (NIV), Matthew 21:22 (NIV)
P.s: Oh, and did I mentioned that on several occassions when we're in a hurry to eat, Ben actually looks at us and shows us his praying gestures?
That made us stop what we're doing and get down to praying and giving thanks immediately!