Oh yipee! I'm so excited! I'm taking the "7 Link Challenge" which is hosted on Problogger. The idea is to publish a post that is a list of 7 links to posts that you and others have written that respond to the following 7 categories. The links are as follow:
* Your first post: Home Sweet Home! is my first post in my own blog domain. It is kinda nostalgic cos after almost 13 months of blogging on Blogger, I decided to make the decision to leave it and go for my own blog domain and designed my own blog from scratch. Although the migration process is tiring and draining (I could only tinkle with the blog images and design when Ben is asleep and I'm not a web programmer or designer so everything is DIY and trial along the way) but at the end of the day, when everything is completed, it feels good-kinda like giving birth to another baby! Hahaha...

* A post you enjoyed writing the most: That would be one of my latest post "How To Exercise Your Toddler's Brain?".
As a SAHM, I am very fortunate to be able to take lots of pictures of my mischievious and ever curious toddler, so some of those pictures are real cute and I decided to write up a funny post based on some of Benjamin's latest silly antics. I hope you guys will enjoy this post as much as I do!
* A post which had a great discussion: That'd be a post entitled "After Two Years..." which was written when I had my menses back. Sorry if this is TMI for you to handle, but after two years (hence the title), the day I dreaded finally arrives... It's really been a bliss during those menses-free phase but I guess I shouldn't complain much as I am still able to breastfeed my toddler (16.5 months old now) without any problems at all!
* A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written: I saw this article about "What Makes a Good Friend?" in a Christian website and decided to share it with my blog readers through my blog meme "Today's Awesome Discovery". I did add on my comments after the article as that is what I normally do (rather than just plain copy and paste other people's posts for sharing, I think there's a nicer touch if I add in my own notes and comments following the article shared)
* Your most helpful post: During my phase of migrating over from Blogger to my own self-hosted website, I learned a lot of things. So, as and when I have the spare time to blog about it, I do try to share out what I learned through my own blog meme again "Today's Awesome Discovery". So far, I had only written a tutorial post called "What is Gravatar?".
* A post with a title that you are proud of: Oh wow... when I have the time to think clearly, I can come up with a lot of funny post titles but I guess for now, that'll have to be "Ben Gogh in the Making??" Yes, you read that right, Ben Gogh.. not Van Gogh.. click on the link to read more on why I am proud of this title... Heheh...
* A post that you wish more people had read: Hmmm... I'd love it if everyone read ALL of my posts hahahaha... but if I am to choose one, well, I guess it'll have to be "What Makes a Good Friend?". I feel that it is a very inspiring article and wished more people could read this..
So there you have it... I've taken and survived the 7 Link Challenge! Woohoo!